Dan l-aħħar kitibli ħabib tiegħi li jgħix barra: Veru li pajjiżna sejjer tajjeb ħafna u ma jidhirx li dan it-titjib se jieqaf zobtu, qal. Ġejt ftit ilu u skantajt b’kemm hemm attività għaddejja u b’kemm qed jiżviluppaw inizjattivi ta’ kull xorta. Tassew impressjonajt ruħi.

Imma, kompla – u f’dan it-tip ta’ randikont, dejjem se tiltaqa’ ma’ xi “imma” – jidher li dan kollu qed iseħħ f’ġirja bla pjan, kollox tielaq għal rasu. Ilu hekk. Jidher li jista’ jibqa’ għal xi żmien.

Neħtieġu pjan, sostna, biex dak li qed jitwettaq ma jfurx u jagħli. Pajjiżna żgħir wisq, isibha ħaġa diffiċli biex jilqa’ għal jekk it-tkabbir ekonomiku li għaddej, jaħrab minn kull kontroll.

Forsi – kif qalli xi ħaddieħor – dawk li jgħixu barra jinkwetaw wisq aktar fuq li jinsab għaddej fostna, milli nagħmlu aħna li ngħixu hawn?


Nemmen li l-proposti li jiġu mill-Kunsill tal-Ewropa għandhom jingħataw kull kunsiderazzjoni f’diskussjoni ħielsa bejn il-Maltin. Jekk jinstab li huma ta’ fejda, jitwettqu wkoll f’pajjiżna skont iċ-ċirkostanzi tagħna. Kollox b’sentiment sħiħ ta’ rieda tajba u trasparenza totali…

Għalhekk ma nifhem xejn lil dawk li jippretendu li għandna nqisu l-pronunzjamenti tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa, isiru kif isiru, qishom kienu xi Vanġelu. Per eżempju, ma nifhimx kif jistgħu jittieħdu bħala li joħolqu minnufih xi żona kostituzzjonali ġdida f’pajjiżna li trid tingħata għarfien mill-qrati Maltin bħala viġġenti u tassattiva.

Dwar is-“suġġerimenti” li jsirulna minn barra, jeħtieġ niżguraw proċess nazzjonali serju ta’ evalwazzjoni, dibattitu u deċiżjoni li ma jkollu xejn awtomatiku fih, la naħa u lanqas oħra.


Bdiet fl-Olanda imma hemm possibiltà li tinfirex. Fuq il-fjuwil li jużaw l-ajruplani (u l-vapuri) ma titpoġġiex taxxa. Mentri fuq dik li jużaw karozzi u trennijiet, iva. Dan qed ipoġġi t-trasport bl-art fi żvantaġġ. Qed jippromwovi turiżmu “sfrenat” li hu ta’ ħsara għall-ambjent. Allura il-mezzi ta’ trasport bl-ajru għandhom jiġu ntaxxati aktar. Hekk qed jintqal.

Il-proposta li qed titħaddem fl-Olanda hi ta’ taxxa fuq il-fjuwil u oħra addizjonali fuq it-tluq mill-ajruporti. Pajjiżi oħra, bħal Franza, qed jitħajru.

L-intenzjoni hi li l-biċċa tinxtered mal-bqija tal-Ewropa bħala miżura ta’ ħarsien tal-ambjent. Għaqdiet tal-konsumaturi, tas-sidien ta’ vapuri u nistħajjel dalwaqt ta’ kumpaniji tal-ajru qed jipprotestaw. Rappreżentanti tagħhom diġà żaru lili fost deputati Ewropej oħra dwar dil-ħaġa.

Min-naħa Maltija sa issa ma smajt xejn. Biss il-miżura ta’ tassazzjoni fuq vjaġġi bl-ajru li qed tiġi mbottata jkollha effett negattiv fuq gżejjer u destinazzjonijiet turistiċi imbegħda.

English Version – Plan

I recently got a letter from a friend who lives abroad: True, he said, this country is doing very well and it does not appear that current growth rates will subside soon. I came to visit some time ago and I was surprised by how much ongong activity there is and really impressed by how developments of all sorts appear to be thriving.

But, he went on – and with this kind of comment, there is always some “but” – it all seems as if what is going on happens without any planning, it’s as if all is just rolling along on its own. It has been like so for quite a while and will probably remain as it is for much longer.

We need a plan, he argued strongly, so that what is currently happening does not boil over. The island is too small and would find it difficult to cope if the ongoing economic growth gets out of hand.

Perhaps – as some one else told me – those among us who live abroad do worry much more about what is happening here than we, who actually live here, do.


A serious process

Proposals being made by the Council of Europe should be given full consideration in a free discussion between Maltese citizens, in order to also implement them here in line with our circumstances. This is what I believe, so long as this is done strictly in good faith and with a total transparency.

Which is why I completely fail to understand those who pretend that we should regard the Council of Europe’s pronunciamentos, no matter how they come, as if they were the Gospel. For instance, I cannot understand how they should be considered as instruments that automatically lay out a new constitutional space in the country that must be recognised as valid and in force by local courts.

In dealing with “suggestions” made to us from outside, we should make sure that a serious process is undertaken of evaluation and debate leading to decisions. One way or the other, nothing about it should be automatic,


Tax on flights

The initiative got going in Holland and will possibly spread elsewhere. Fuel used by planes (and ships) carries no tax while cars and trains are charged tax on the fuel they need. This is serving to promote “unbridled” air tourism and is impacting negatively on the environment. So air travel should be subjected to greater levels of taxation.

As carried out in Holland, a tax has been imposed on airline fuel and a new departure tax set at airports. Other countries, like France, seem tempted by the idea.

The intention is to spread it to the rest of Europe as a measure to protect the environment. Consumer associations, ship owners and soon I imagine, airlines are raising their voices in protest. Their representatives have already visited me as well as other MEPs to discuss the matter.

I have not yet heard from Maltese sources. The measures to tax air transport which are being touted would have a negative impact on islands and on distant tourist locations.

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