Jidher li jinsabu għaddejja f’xi forma jew oħra, diskussjonijiet dwar bidliet li ilhom jissemmew li huma meħtieġa fil-Kostituzzjoni. Personalment għadni dubjuż dwar kemm huma tassew meħtieġa l-bidliet għax nemmen li l-problemi jinsabu fil-mod kif il-Kostituzzjoni tħaddmet matul id-deċennji.

Imma la rjus kbar qed jgħidu li neħtieġu dawn il-bidliet, tajjeb naraw x’jistgħu jkunu u niddiskutuhom.

Biss nittama li l-proċess li bih dan isir, jibqa’ sal-aħħar trasparenti u jinżamm fil-miftuħ. M’għandux jiġri, kif ġieli ġara fl-imgħoddi, li d-diskussjonijiet isiru bi proċeduri okkulti skont tattika partiġġjana jew personali.

Nittama wkoll, li ma jsirx sforz żejjed biex nuru lil min tana “pariri” minn barra, kemm aħna rikonoxxenti lejh, billi ndaħħlu kull bidla li pproponielna mingħajr ma nqisu sew kemm dak li qal, filfatt jagħmel sens.



Bħalissa, l-Unjoni Ewropea qed tidher fl-agħar dawl tagħha. Il-mexxejja Ewropej qed iħaqquha bejniethom dwar min se jpoġġu fl-ogħla karigi ta’ tmexxija. Id-diskors ma jidhirx li hu dwar x’għandha tkun il-politika Ewropea għall-futur, imma dwar min imissu jieħu post min.

L-aqwa karigi f’dan l-irkant huma dawk tal-President tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea, tal-President tal-Kunsill Ewropew, tal-Viċi President tal-Kummissjoni inkarigat mill-affarijiet barranin u tal-Gvernatur tal-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew. Wieħed jittama li t-trattattivi jintemmu bl-akbar ħeffa għax jagħtu l-impressjoni li l-akbar interess fl-Ewropa huma l-karigi għolja.

Sadattant, ħaġa kurjuża oħra hi kif se jintemmu l-manuvri għall-ħatra ta’ President tal-Parlament Ewropew.



L-idea ta’ istituzzjoni li taħseb biex tagħti għajnuna lil azjendi żgħar li jkunu se jitilqu b’negozju ġdid, l-hekk imsejħa “start-ups”, hi waħda eċċellenti. Jekk fhimt tajjeb, qed titwaqqaf fondazzjoni imnebbħa mill-gvern, li tikkonċentra fuq kif tagħti imbuttaturi f’waqthom lil min ikun dieħel fis-suq b’xi idea ġdida għal prodott u servizz.

L-imbuttaturi jistgħu jieħdu l-forma ta’ pariri siewja dwar kif jiġi mmuntat pakkett finanzjaru effettiv, provista ta’spazju minn fejn tista’ taħdem impriża li qed titwieled, ftuħ ta’ kuntatti utli u oħrajn.

Il-kultura imprenditorjali kibret sew f’pajjiżna mis-snin meta jien kont attiv fil-Korporazzjonii Maltija tal-Iżvilupp (illum Malta Enterprise). Imma għad baqagħlha x’tissaħħaħ. Minn naħa għad hemm tendenza kbira żżejjed biex tittieħed it-triq l-aktar ħafifa ħalli kwalunkwe profitti li jistgħu jinqalgħu, isiru u jittieħdu malajr kemm jista’ jkun. Mill-oħra, m’hemmx għarfien biżżejjed ta’ kif u kemm imprenditur ġdid ikollu bżonn tan-nifs ħalli jwassal il-proġett tiegħu biex irabbi l-għerq. Donnu li din il-ħaġa aktar ġiet aċċettata fid-dinja tal-arti milli f’dik ekonomika. Dnub.

Għalhekk l-inizjattiva ta’ fondazzjoni biex twieżen lill-i“start-ups” jixirqilha kull appoġġ.

English Version – Constitutional Changes

Consultations seem to be happening in one way or another, about necessary changes that have long been mentioned to be made to the Constitution. Personally, I remain doubtful about how necessary these changes really are since for me, the real problem arises from the manner by which the Constitution’s requirements have been respected or otherwise over the decades.

However, well established authorities are telling us we need to implement changes. Let us therefore consider what they could be and let us discuss them.

Even so, I hope that the process to get this moving, will remain up to the end transparent and is conducted in the open. There is no reason, as sometimes happened in the past, for discussions to follow occult procedures that reflect partisan or personal tactics.

I also hope that no exrra effort will be expended to show those who from the outside honoured us with their “advice” that we are so grateful to them, that we would like to introduce all the changes they proposed to us, without really considering whether their proposals indeed make any sense.


In a bad light

At present, the EU is not leaving the best of impressions. European leaders have been haggling about whom to place in the highest decision-making roles. The substance of discussions does not appear to feature European policy for the future as much as who gets whose job.

The biggest calls in this auction cover the jobs of the President of the European Commission, the President of the European Council, the Commission Vice President in charge of foreign affairs and the Governor of the European Central Bank. One can only hope that these dealings are wrapped up as quickly as possible, for they generate the belief that what count most in Europe are the nominations to the highest ranking posts.

Meanwhile, another curious matter has been the nomination to the post of President of the European Parliament. Who will get it?


In the beginning

The idea of having an institution to back smes that propose to launch a new business, the so-called start-ups, is excellent. If I understood correctly, a foundation underwritten by the government, will concentrate on giving timely support to whoever is seeking to enter the market with a new product or service offering.

Support can take the form of useful advice regarding how to arrange an effective financial package, the provision of working space for a newly born enterprise, access to fruitful contacts and so on.

The entrepreneurial culture has spread widely in Malta since the years when I was active at the Malta Development Corporation (now Malta Enterprise). But it still needs to become stronger. On the one hand there is a tendency to go too fast down the quickest road, in order to make the easiest profits and pocket them. On the other hand, there is insufficient awareness of how and how much a new entrepreneur needs help till the project he/she has launched takes root. It seems as if this has been accepted in the art world but not so much in economic affairs, which is a pity.

That is why the initiative to establish a foundation focussed on promoting start-ups deserves full support.

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