The truth is that the investment rate in the European Union had been decreasing well before the 2008 crisis. Following this crisis, stagnation continued to spread. The truth is that to reach higher levels of competitivity in order to create new jobs, we find ourselves in a system in which internal devaluation has become the most effective tool. Proponents of labour market flexibility and the modernization of social security systems are in reality promoting such devaluation. This process undermines the European social model – a model by which public authorities on the one hand guarantee freedom to private enterprise, while on the other hand ensure protection to the people as workers and citizens. Today, in order to give a boost to the European economy, the aim has become that of chipping away at the European social model, if not dismantling it completely. The peoples of Europe do not want this. Actually, where the European social model is being abandoned, competitiveness is still not being enhanced. The truth is that the European economy is not succeeding to deal with and manage (the phenomenon of) globalisation. Given the way globalisation has developed, it became incompatible with the European social model unless buffered and substantially adapted. The present resolution ignores this dilemma. The structures that have been established to ensure the competitiveness of member states are too complicated, too bureaucratic. Up to now, they have really been a failure. In all this, it will be unacceptable if we seem to be agreeing that the European social model should be curtailed or swept aside. Rightly so, European citizens will disagree.

Maltese Version

Ir-realtà hi li r-rata tal-investimenti fl-Unjoni Ewropea ilha tonqos sa minn żmien sew qabel seħħet il-kriżi tal-elfejn u tmienja. Warajha l-istaġnar kompla jiżdied. Ir-realtà hi li biex nilħqu kompetittività akbar ħalli noħolqu impjiegi ġodda, ninsabu f’sistema fejn l-aqwa għodda saret l-iżvalutar intern. Dawk li jipproponu t-tħaffif fis-swieq tax-xogħol u modernizzar tas-sistemi ta’ sigurtà soċjali effettivament qed jippromwovu dan l-iżvalutar. Il-proċess qed jimmina bil-kbir il-mudell soċjali Ewropew fejn l-awtorità pubblika minn naħa tiggarantixxi ħelsien sħiħ lill-impriża privata u min-naħa l-oħra tassigura ħarsien sħiħ lill-popli bħala ħaddiema u bħala ċittadini. Illum biex l-ekonomija Ewropea tirranka l-mira saret li l-mudell soċjali Ewropew jitnaqqar jekk mhux jinħatt. Il-popli Ewropej dan ma jriduhx. Fil-fatt fejn qed ikun abbandunat il-mudell soċjali Ewropew xorta mhix tissaħħaħ il-kompetittività. Il-verità hi li l-ekonomija Ewropea mhux qed jirnexxielha taffaċċja u timmaniġġja l-globalizzazzjoni. Kif qed titwettaq bħalissa, bla lqugħ u bla adattazzjoni sostanzjali, din mhijiex kompatibbli mal-mudell soċjali Ewropew. Ir-riżoluzzjoni ta’ quddiemna tinjora din id-dilemma. L-istrutturi li nbnew biex jassiguraw li l-Pajjiżi Membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea jibqgħu kompetittivi huma wisq tqal, wisq burokratiċi u sa issa żgur ma rnexxewx. F’dan kollu, huwa inaċċettabbli jekk donna qed naqblu li l-mudell soċjali Ewropew jista’ jiġi mċekken jew imwarrab. B’raġun, iċ-ċitttadini Ewropej mhux se jaqblu ma’ dan.

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