Possibbli ma tistax tinstab soluzzjoni għall-problema tan-nagħaġ ta’ Għawdex li nqabdu fil-liġijiet veterinarji u li jinsabu mhedda bil-forka? M’hemmx xi testijiet li jistgħu jsiru biex jiġi żgurat li l-bhejjem mhumiex kontaminati b’xi mard mhux aċċettabbli?

Wieħed jifhem li l-liġijiet tas-sanità iridu jiġu rispettati bil-kbir. Jifhem ukoll li l-istat m’għandux jittollera lil min jipprova jiżgiċċa minnhom. Imma għal kull regola, għandu jkun hemm l-eċċezzjoni li bi ħsieb tajjeb, ma titħalliex wara tittieħed bħala preċedent għall-abbuż.

Diġà tberbqu ħafna flus biex jiġi żgurat li n-nagħaġ involuti jinżammu lesti għall-forka. Imnalla ma jafux x’qed jgħaddi minnhom għax kieku t-trattament li qed jingħataw kien jikkwalifika bħala kastig kiefer u mhux tas-soltu.

Mhux waħdi nixtieq li tinstab soluzzjoni ta’ ħniena li terġa tagħtihom iċ-ċans għall-ħajja.



Waqt li hawn Malta tant nies f’daqqa faritilhom qalbhom kontra kif jinħatru l-ġudikanti f’pajjiżna, fl-Istati Uniti infetħet l-għażla għal min se jissuċċedi lill-imħallef tal-Qorti Suprema Scalia, wara mewtu.

Waqt li hawn Malta wara snin twal, esperti u politikanti tal-lemin raw id-dawl biex jagħrfu li mhux sew li jkun il-gvern li jaħtar il-ġudikanti, il-President Obama ddikjara li se jipproċedi bid-doveri tiegħu u jinnomina imħallef ġdid minflok Scalia.

Stramba kif dawk li ma jaqblux ma’ Obama, mhumiex jipprotestaw għax il-President se jaħtar imħallef ġdid. Huma biss kontra li jagħmel dil-ħaġa qabel l-elezzjoni presidenzjali li jmiss.

Forsi kieku l-gvern Malti jwiegħed li mhu se jagħmel l-ebda nomina ta’ ġudikant qabel l-elezzjoni li jmiss, jaqa’ l-istorbju tal-lum.


Bla dar

Matul seminar li ospitajt fil-Parlament Ewropew dwar ċittadini minn pajjiżi tal-Unjoni Ewropea li m’għandhomx fejn joqogħdu f’pajjiżi oħra tal-Unjoni fejn imorru jgħixu, smajna x’inhu jiġri minn dawn il-persuni li jispiċċaw jorqdu fit-toroq. In-numru tagħhom qed jiżdied.

Għal raġunijiet ovvji, ftit hemm rankatura politika biex il-problemi tagħhom jiġu ffaċċjati. Nies hekk m’għandhomx saħħa politika.

Biss jista’ jkun hemm raġuni oħra wkoll għal dan. Il-falliment fil-ħajja ta’ dawn in-nies hu turija tal-effetti anti-soċjali ta’ politika ekonomika li saret popolari fl-aħħar snin. In-nies li jispiċċaw bla fejn joqgħodu huma każ estrem ta’ kondizzjoni soċjali li nfirxet fl-Ewropa fost żgħażagħ u kbar: il-kondizzjoni tal-prekarjat fix-xogħol.

Mhux minnu li fl-Ewropa tneħħew għalkollox l-appoġġi li kienu jeżistu kontra l-faqar u l-qgħad. Imma li tħallew jiddgħajfu bil-kbir hu minnu. Il-qagħda ta’ min għandu impjieg iddgħajfet mingħajr ma wasslitu għal faqar totali. Min kien diġà fqir jew inkapaċi li jżomm fil-wiċċ, sab ruħu bla ebda lqugħ.

English Version – Sheep

Is it possible that no solution could be found to the problem caused by the herd of sheep in Gozo whose existence clashes with veterinary regulations, and which now live under sentence of death? Do no tests exist which could be carried out to make sure that the animals have not been contaminated by some unacceptable disease?

One can understand that health regulations should be observed to the letter. One also understands that the state should not tolerate the action of those who seek to evade such regulations. But for all rules, an exception should be allowable so long as care is taken not to let it be considered at a later stage, as a precedent for abuse.

Already much money has been spent to keep the poor sheep on death row. Luckily they did not know what was happening to them, for otherwise the treatment they received would qualify as a cruel and unusual punishment.

I am not the only one to wish that a solution can be found in the form of an amnesty that would give them back their chance in life.



While here in Malta so many people suddenly experienced a heartfelt surge of dissent regarding how members of the judiciary get to be appointed, in the US the selection process has started to choose a new judge in replacement of Supreme Court Justice Scalia, who died recently.

While here in Malta after long years, experts and right wing politicians suddenly saw the light and declared that it is not right and proper for the government to appoint members of the Bench, President Obama was making it clear he would proceed as is his duty, to nominate a new judge instead of Scalia.

It is curious that Obama’s opponents do not protest because it’s the President who’s getting to choose a new judge. They just contest his taking this step shortly before the next presidential election.

Perhaps if the Malta government just promises not to make any further appointment to the judiciary before the next election, the current controversy would die down.



During a seminar which I hosted at the European Parliament about European citizens who find themselves homeless in another EU country, we heard about what happens to these people who end up sleeping in the streets. Their number is increasing.

For obvious reasons, the political momentum to tackle their problems is minimal. Such people are politically very weak.

However, there could be another reason to explain why the issue remains less than salient. The life failure of thehomeless is evidence of the anti-social effects of the economic policy that hasbeen followed in recent years. The homeless are an extreme instance of a social development that has spread across populations young and old: precarious work conditions.

The claim that in Europe, all social protection against unemployment and poverty has been swept aside, is manifestly incorrect. But that such protection has been greatly undermined is true. The situation of people in employment has deteriorated without their being reduced to poverty. Who was already poor or unable to make ends meet, now finds him/herself left out.

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