Id-diskors dwar l-Ewropa reġa’ qed jieħu ton reliġjuż. Tkun favur jew kontra sħubija fl-Unjoni Ewropea, favur jew kontra li l-Unjoni titmexxa b’ċertu mod u mhux ieħor, mhumiex argumenti li jiġu diskussi skont x’hemm li jiġbed lejn naħa, x’hemm li jiġbed lejn oħra.

Minflok, id-diskussjoni tispiċċa qisha waħda bejn min irid ikun “pur” u min irid ikun “eretiku”. L-interessanti hu dan: sa issa, it-tidwira “reliġjuża” kienet tiffavorixxi lil dawk li akkost ta’ kollox qiesu l-“Ewropa” bħala l-ġenna tal-art; issa l-affarijiet donnhom qed iduru f’direzzjoni opposta.

Kemm waħda u kemm l-oħra, jekk misjuqa minn sentimenti “reliġjużi”, huma żball. Kull pajjiż għandu l-ħteġiet tiegħu, differenti minn tal-oħrajn. Li jrid isir f’kull pajjiż hu analiżi ta’ dawn il-ħteġiet biex jitqies kif jistgħu jiġu nfilzati fil-proġett ta’ għaqda Ewropea, li fih innifsu hu proġett siewi għal min jaqbillu jkun parti minnu.

Dan il-mod ta’ kif wieħed jgħarbel x’għandu jsir iqajjem reżistenza kbira fost dawk li min-naħat kollha, ma jifhmux bir-raġunijiet, imma bid-dommi.



La qed insemmu reliġjon – bħala prattika li torbot ma’ twemmin ibbażat mhux fuq fatti, daqskemm miti lesti – wieħed ma jistax ma jinnotax x’tempesta f’kikkra tat-te inħolqot dwar il-liġi proposta biex tipprojbixxi l-hekk imsejħa “terapiji” li suppost iwasslu persuna omosesswali tibdel l-orjentament tagħha.

Possibbli li l-Knisja Kattolika f’Malta m’għandhiex suġġetti aktar importanti dwar xiex tqajjem kuxjenza? Bħall-prekarjat ngħidu aħna, li donnu ma jinteressaha xejn. Jew iż-żieda fil-faqar. Jew il-qagħda tax-xjuħ.

Min-naħa tiegħu l-gvern diġà għamel ħafna favur id-drittijiet tal-omosesswali u jixraqlu kull tifħir għal dan. Baqagħlu x’jagħmel m’hemmx dubju.

Biss forsi li fil-klima liberali u rilassata li l-gvern irnexxilu jdaħħal, l-aqwa miżura kontra t-“terapija” biex tirriversja l-orjentament omosesswali mhix liġi imma l-“arma” tar-ridikolu.


Laqgħat politiċi

Dan l-aħħar attendejt għal-laqgħat ġenerali ta’ ċentri Laburisti fost oħrajn fil-Belt, B’kara, Marsaxlokk u Tarxien. Mhux mingħajr nostalġija.

Veru li l-ħidma politika tal-partiti nbidlet sew matul is-snin, imma matul laqgħat bħal dawn, għadek tiltaqa’ ma’ attivisti li tassew iħobbu l-politika ibbażata fuq il-kuntatt maċ-ċittadini. Attivisti li jafu xinhuma jgħidu u jħossu ċ-ċittadini fi ħdan il-familji tagħhom, fit-toroq meta jiltaqgħu, fil-ħwienet tax-xogħol.

Jistgħu jispiċċaw jillitikaw bejniethom, jew jibirdu għal xi żmien. Biss dawk li nqabdu bid-drawwa tal-attiviżmu politiku diffiċli jabbandunawha għal kollox. U l-aktar li jħossuhom komdi hu ma’ nies bħalhom, li għal snin ikunu ssagrifikaw ħin, familja, xogħol u qligħ, delizzji għall-ħidma fil-partiti.

Jiddispjaċini għalihom meta, ikun veru jew le, iħossuhom minsija jew żvalutati.

English Version – Religion

European discourse is again becoming injected with religious undertones. To be for or against EU membership, for or against one direction instead of another for the Union, are not arguments being discussed in terms of the pro and cons of the available options.

Rather, discussions end up as if they are a choice between being a core believer or a heretic. What is interesting is that if up to now, the “religious” approach would benefit those who at all costs, would consider “Europe” as a paradise on earth, now the situation seems to have gone into reverse mode.

Both directions, if defined in “religious” rhetoric, are erroneous. Every country’s needs are different to those of others. What all countries should do is analyze their needs to assess how they can be fitted if at all, in the project ofEuropean unity, which is in itself a worthwhile project for those in whose interest it is to belong.

Such a method by which to evaluate what needs to be done raises a huge resistance among those who from all sides, do not comprehend reasons, only dogmas.



Once mention is being made of religion — as a practice linked to a faith that does not lean on facts, as much as on available myths — one cannot fail to note the storm in a teacup released by the proposal for a law to prohibit the so-called “therapies” that supposedly induce homosexuals to reverse their orientation.

Can it be possible that the Catholic Church does not recognize more important issues about which to raise awareness? Like precarious work, say, which seems not to interest it at all. Or the growth of poverty. Not to mention the situation of many old people.

For its part, the government has already achieved much progress in enshrining gay rights. It should be given due credit for this, even if there still remains more to be done.

However precisely because the government has succeeded in generating a liberal and relaxed climate, perhaps the most appropriate response to the “therapy” proposed to reverse homosexual orientations, should not have been a law but just ridicule.


Political meetings

Not without nostalgia, I recently attended general meetings at Labour centres in Valletta, B’Kara, Marsaxlokk and Tarxien, among others.

Of course, the political activity of parties has changed hugely over the years, but during such general meetings, you still meet activists who are really adept at political initiative that is built on contact with citizens. Activists know what citizens are saying and feeling within families, as they meet each other in streets or when they are at work.

Activists may end up quarrellng with each other or they might lose interest in politics for a while. However, those for whom political activism becomes an addiction, find it difficult to abandon it altogether. They find themselves most at home with people like them who over the years, would have sacrificed leisure, family, work and gain, personal interests to contribute to their party.

I feel sorry for them when they believe, rightly or wrongly, that they have been forgotten or not sufficiently appreciated.

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