Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that the best approach in EU-Turkey relations is to recognize the differences that exist between the two sides. Dr. Sant, speaking on the outcome of the EU-Turkey summit in preparation of the European Council meeting of 17 and 18 March, said his hope and wish are that the heads of agreement reached by the European Council and Turkey will develop into a fully operative agreement. However beyond wishes, one must also acknowledge realities. Turkey and the EU have different — asymetric — sometimes mutually exclusive — interests regarding the relationship between them, over the refugee crisis and regarding the civil war in Syria. This reality is being fudged through ambiguities, which is dangerous. Ambiguities become acute at the wrong moment in time and lead to collapse.
The Maltese MEP said the EU wants Turkey to control the flow of refugees to Europe and is prepared to provide funds for this to happen. “It is in Turkey’s interests for refugees to leave. Turkey wants serious progress over its membership application to join the EU. Yet, a majority in the EU is against Turkish membership; I find myself in the minority on this one. Meanwhile, the EU has been critical of Turkey’s efforts to contain Kurdish separatism and the growing authoritarianism of its government. The EU is divided. Turkey presents a united front. Tough as it is, perhaps eventually the best approach would be to call a spade a spade, and define a way forward that recognizes the differences between the two sides.” Dr. Sant told the EP which was also attended by Dutch Defence minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert who was representing the Council.

You may follow Dr. Sant’s intervention on this link :


Alfred Sant qal lill-Parlament Ewropew li l-aħjar mod li nittrattaw ir-relazzjonijiet bejn l-UE u t-Turkija huwa li nirrikonoxxu qabel xejn id-differenzi li jeżistu bejn iż-żewġ naħat. Dr. Sant kien qed jitkellem waqt id-dibattitu dwar is-Summit fuq l-UE u t-Turkija bi tħejjija għall-Kunsill Ewropew tas-17 u 18 ta’Marzu. Hu qal li t-tama u x-xewqa tiegħu hi li l-qbil bejn il-Kunsill Ewropew u t-Turkija jiżviluppaw fi ftehim operazzjonali. It-Turkija u l-EU għandhom interessi differenti fir-relazzjonijiet bejniethom dwar il-kriżi tar-refuġjati u l-gwerra ċivili tas-Sirja. Din ir-realta’ qed tintesa b’ambigwitajiet perikolużi u li jista’ jwasslu għal kollass.
Dr. Sant qal li l-UE trid lit-Turkija tikkontrolla l-influss tar-rifuġjati u lesta tagħtiha l-fondi għal dan. “Huwa fl-interess tat-Turkija li r-refuġjati jitilqu minn pajjiżha. It-Turkija trid progress serju fuq in-negozjati tagħha għad-dħul fl-UE. Iżda maġġoranza fl-UE huma kontra s-sħubija tat-Turkija; jien ninsab f’minoranza fuq din. Sadattant il-UE hija kritika tal-isforzi tat-Turkija biex tikkontrolla s-separatiżmu Kurd u l-atteġġjament awtoritarju dejjem jikber tal-GvernTork. L-UE tinsab maqsuma. It-Turkija qed tippreżenta front magħqud. L-aħjar triq, minkejja li hi deċiżjoni iebsa, hi ngħidu l-affarijiet kif inhuma u wieħed jirrikonoxxi d-differenżi bejn iż-żewġ naħat, temm jgħid Dr.Sant.
Il-Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin Olandiż Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert attenda l-laqgħa tal-Palament f’isem il-Kunsill.

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