445,000 people are diagnosed annually with colorectal cancer in Europe, and about 215,000 will die each year. These numbers are unfortunately expected to increase considerably. Yet, if diagnosed early, this cancer is one of the most treatable, former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told a European Colorectal Cancer Conference organised by his Office in Brussels. Dr Sant reiterated his support towards EuropaColon’s call for a system of colorectal cancer screening across the EU. “As a politician and as a cancer survivor I feel compelled to back this.’ Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers and one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths.
Dr Sant discussed the issues of increasing inequality of health care for colorectal cancer and the need for political-backing. “Investment in preventive health is an investment in the EU’s fundamental values, in social cohesion, and in economic development. This should go hand in hand with efforts to reduce health inequalities, if the overall health and wealth of society are to be sustained.”
Recent studies in the US suggest that screening can reduce mortality drastically, citing drops in mortality rates up to 53%. Further, it is evident that the EU has failed to produce proper in-depth evaluation of the available screening options within the Union. Different sources give us different views on the current state of affairs.
“Our colleagues and friends from EuropaColon tell us that people on the ground describe a different scenario than the reports we get from entities such as the International Agency for Research on Cancer.”
The Maltese MEP said that on 20 May 2016 the European Commission, answering his written question on the topic, indicated that there are currently population-based screening programmes at a national level for colorectal cancer in 15 Member States and population based regional screening programmes in four Member States.
“I contrasted the EC’s response with information that only France and the UK have so far been successful in providing screening for the recommended age groups. Here the Commission somehow changed their version, stating that the content and coverage of population-based screening programmes actually falls under the competence of the national or regional authorities in the Member States. The Commission’s reply pointed out that “precise estimates of the effect of screening on colorectal cancer mortality at population level are rare.”
Dr Sant said that despite the conflicting information we are receiving, it remains clear that huge disparities exist within the EU in terms of the status of implementation and the extent to which screening programmes are organized. We are facing this situation despite a number of EU guidelines and recommendations on the matter which have the full backing of major actors here in Brussels.
Ongoing support from the EU remains essential if we want to see such guidelines implemented successfully in all European countries, especially in light of the effects of the economic situation since 2008. We do know that in recent years, against a background of austerity measures that affected most negatively the weakest strata of European society, healthcare spending in many Member States was curtailed at the expense of those who are most in need. We should therefore also think about diverting EU money directly in the field of health care spending, towards countries whose budget cuts impacted healthcare systems negatively, not least in the area of cancer screenings,” remarked the Maltese MEP.
Following Dr Sant’s intervention experts in the field discussed the latest developments as regarding oncology, surgery, screening and awareness from public. The experts echoed Dr. Sant’s message and emphasized the need for further public input towards preventive care on cancer, bridging inequality gaps in the health sector, and sharing treatment innovation at the EU level.

Professor Eric Van Cutsem, Oncology Head of Clinical Digestive Oncology University of Leuven emphasized the importance of screening, quality of care, and integration of new technology all over the EU. Progress can and is being made, especially in Oncological Surgery, but political will needs to get behind the issue. The possibility of a Centralized Cancer Center for Europe was discussed as a way to reduce duplication in cancer research and to disseminate information at all levels.

Mrs Jolanta Gore Booth, Founder and CEO of EuropaColon, hit at the present pharmaceutical representatives at the exaggerated prices the industry is imposing on individual patients and governments.

Maltese Version – 445,000 persuna fis-sena fl-ewropa jimirdu bil-kanċer tal-musrana l-kbira

445,000 persuna fis-sena fl-Ewropa jimirdu bil-kanċer tal-musrana l-kbira, madwar 215, 000 imutu kull sena b’din il-marda. Dawn iċ-ċifri fil-futur mistennija jogħlew sew. Iżda jekk il-marda tinqabad kmieni, dan il-kanċer huwa l-iktar wieħed li huwa trattabbli. Dan qalu l-Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Maltija Laburista fil-Parlament Ewropew Dr Alfred Sant f’konferenza dwar dan is-suġġett organizzata mill-uffiċċju tiegħu fi Brussell. Dr Sant tenna l-appoġġ għas-sejħa ta’ EuropaColon favur screening tal-musrana l-kbira madwar l-Ewropa kollha. “Bħala politiku, u bħala rebbieħ tal-marda nħossni obbligat li nappoġġja dan il-għan.” Il-kanċer tal-musrana l-kbira huwa wieħed mill-aktar kanċers komuni u jaħti għal ħafna mill-imwiet marbuta mal-kanċers.
Dr Sant argumenta dwar l-inugwaljanzi, li dejjem qed jiżdiedu, fil-qasam tas-saħħa għat-trattament tal-kanċer tal-musrana l-kbira. Hu saħaq fuq il-ħtieġa li l-politika tappoġġja dan il-qasam. “L-investiment għas-saħħa preventiva tissarraf f’investiment favur il-valuri fundamentali tal-UE, favur il-koeżjoni soċjali, u l-iżvilupp ekonomiku. Dan għandu jimxi pari passu mal-ħidma biex jitnaqqsu l-inugwaljanzi fil-qasam tas-saħħa, jekk nixtiequ nsostnu l-ġid u s-saħħa tas-soċjeta` tagħna.
Studji riċenti maħruġa mill-Istati Uniti juru li l-iscreening inaqqas sew ir-rata ta’ mwiet, saħansitra jnaqqashom bi 53%. Qed naraw b’għajnejna li l-UE ma nrexxilhiex tevalwa bir-reqqa x’tipi ta’ screening differenti jeżistu fl-Unjoni. Sorsi differenti jagħtuna stampi differenti ta’ kif inhi s-sitwazzjoni.
“Il-kollegi tagħna u sħabna mill-EuropaColon jgħidulna li l-pazjenti Ewropej jiddeskrivu stampa differenti mir-rapporti li niksbu minn entitajiet bħall-Aġenzija Internazzjonali tar-Riċerka tal-Kanċer.”
L-Ewroparlamentari Malti semma kif fl-20 ta’ Mejju 2016 il-Kummissjoni Ewropea wieġbet għal mistoqsija parlamentari li ssottometta hu fuq is-suġġett. Il-Kummissjoni indikat li bħalissa qed isiru programmi ta’ screening tal-musrana l-kbira fuq popolazzjonijiet Ewropej f’livell nazzjonali fi 15-il stat membru, kif ukoll programmi ta’ screening fuq livell reġjonali f’4 stati membri.
“Urejt in-nuqqas ta’ qbil mal-Kummissjoni bl-informazzjoni li sa issa Franza u r-Renju Unit biss ipprovdew b’suċċess screening għal popolazzjoni li taqa’ taħt ċertu eta`. Hawnhekk il-Kummissjoni biddlet il-verżjoni u qalet li l-programmi ta’ screening jaqgħu taħt il-kompetenza tal-awtoritajiet nazzjonali jew reġjonali tal-istati membri. It-tweġiba tal-Kummissjoni saħqet li numri preċiżi dwar l-effett tal-iscreening fuq ir-rata ta’ imwiet mill-kanċer tal-musrana huma rari ħafna.”
Dr Sant qal li minkejja li qed nirċievu informazzjoni inkonsistenti, huwa ċar li hemm differenzi kbar fi ħdan l-Unjoni dwar l-implimentazzjoni u l-organizzar ta’ programmi ta’ screening. Għandna din is-sitwazzjoni minkejja li hemm numru ta’ linji gwida u rakkomandazzjonijiet fuq dan il-qasam li għandhom l-appoġġ ta’ Brussell.
“Appoġġ kontinwu mill-UE jibqa’ essenzjali jekk irridu naraw l-implimentazzjoni ta’ dawn il-linji gwida fil-pajjiżi kollha Ewropej, speċjalment wara l-kriżi ekonomika tal-2008. Fl-aħħar snin, minħabba l-miżuri ta’ awsterita` li affettwaw ħażin l-faxxa tal-popolazzjoni l-aktar batuta, tnaqqset in-nefqa fis-settur tas-saħħa. Minħabba f’hekk intlaqtu dawk li l-aktar huma fil-bżonn. Allura għandna naħsbu wkoll biex nippompjaw flejjes Ewropej direttament fil-qasam tas-saħħa ta’ dawk il-pajjiżi li t-tnaqqis fin-nefqa tal-baġits tagħhom, affettwa ħażin setturi differenti fil-qasam tas-saħħa, fosthom dak tal-iscreening tal-kanċer.” qal Dr Sant.
Wara l-intervent ta’ Dr Sant esperti fil-qasam iddiskutew l-aħħar żviluppi fl-onkoloġija, il-kirurġija, l-iscreening u l-għarfien mill-pubbliku. L-esperti tennew il-messaġġ ta’ Dr Sant u enfasizzaw il-ħtieġa li l-pubbliku jaħdem favur is-saħħa preventiva tal-kanċer. Enfasizzaw il-ħtieġa li jitnaqqsu l-inugwaljanzi fis-settur tas-saħħa u tinqasam l-informazzjoni dwar trattamenti ġodda fuq livell Ewropew. Il-Professur Eric Van Cutsem, Kap tal-Onkoloġija tal-Universita` ta’ Leuven enfasizza l-importanza tal-iscreening, il-kwalita` tal-kura, speċjalment il-kirurġija onkoloġika. Mrs Jolanta Gore Booth, il-Fundatriċi u s-CEO ta’ EuropaColon tkellmet fuq il-kumpaniji tal-farmaċewtika u l-prezzijiet eżaġerati li dawn qed jimponu fuq il-pazjenti u l-gvernijiet.

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