L-elezzjoni fl-Italja hi stazzjon ieħor fil-mixja demokratika Ewropea li ma jistax jinqabeż. Minħabba l-kwistjonijiet li qed iqajjem fl-għażliet quddiem il-pajjiż… dwar l-ewro fost affarijiet oħra, kif ukoll dwar il-futur tal-għaqda Ewropea… qed jitqies bħala sfida li ma tistax titwarrab qabel jitqiesu deċiżjonijiet ewlenin Ewropej li ilhom pendenti.

Imma l-istess ħaġa ġrat fix-xhur ta’ qabel dwar l-elezzjonijiet Spanjoli, Franċiżi u Tedeski. Terġa’, ir-riżultati elettorali Ġermaniżi għadhom sal-lum jissarrfu f’inċertezzi dwar lejn fejn il-piż politiku ta’ dal-pajjiż se jiġbed.

Uħud qed isostnu li ma jistax ikun li deċiżjonijiet dwar l-għażliet futuri tal-Ewropa jibqgħu minn sena għal sena jiddependu mit-tbandil tal-kalendarju elettorali tal-pajjiżi Ewropej. Kull darba, dan qiegħed itaqqal, jekk mhux iwaqqaf, il-proċess li jressaq lejn deċiżjonijiet ewlenin.

L-alternattiva biex il-problema tingħeleb, tkun arranġament fejn il-kalendarji elettorali f’kull pajjiż tal-Unjoni Ewropea (jew kważi) jitpoġġew fuq l-istess ritmu. Ħadd sa issa ma ħareġ bi proposta bħal din.


Dnub li f’pajjiżna, nistinkaw kemm nistinkaw biex norganizzaw il-proġetti kbar u komplikati b’galbu, qatt ma jirnexxilna f’hekk sa meta jkunu kompluti. Dan jgħodd għas-settur privat daqskemm għall-publiku. Rajna dil-biċċa terġa’ tiġri fil-proġett tal-Kappara.

Rari kien hemm proġett li tmexxa, bħal ma tmexxa hu, sal-aħħar fażi b’ħila u b’attenzjoni biex joħloq l-anqas disturb u kull parti minnu titwettaq b’effiċjenza. Imbagħad meta dħalna fl-aħħar fażi, jew hekk deherli, bħal rikbet għeja stramba. Sal-lum, meta l-proġett suppost li ntemm, qed jidher nuqqas ta’ ġabra fil-mod kif għadhom għaddejjin irtokki (?) u daqqiet tal-aħħar!

Jien bqajt bl-impressjoni li safejn nista’ nkejjel, l-uniku proġett sa issa li wera kif jista’ jkun komplut b’mod eżemplari (taħseb x’taħseb dwaru bħala inizjattiva) kien dak ta’ Portomaso.


Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet żort l-impjanti u l-faċiltajiet l-oħra tal-Wasteserve fil-Magħtab. Kien ili ma nirfes lil hemm. Bqajt impressjonat bil-bidliet li saru.

Qed tagħmel ħidma tal-akbar siwi, il-fabrika “ġdida” li tipproċessa ż-żibel li jasal hemm, wara li tkun firditu f’munzelli differenti. B’impjant ieħor simili qribha, għad tikkonċentra l-ipproċessar kollu taż-żibel mill-pajjiż fl-istess lok, bl-anqas ħsara għall-ambjent. L-inħawi tal-Magħtab fejn qed isir dax-xogħol, qaluli, ilaħħqu territorju akbar minn dak tal-Valletta 18.

Baqa’ talanqas żewġ sfidi biex jingħelbu: l-ewwel, kif il-volum ta’ żibel li qed noħolqu f’pajjiżna se jinstablu fejn jintradam qabel jidħlu fis-seħħ l-impjanti kollha meħtieġa biex jipproċessaw l-iskart sal-aħħar b’mod sodisfaċenti; u t-tieni, kif żibel mid-djar u mill-azjendi se jibda jinġabar b’mod serju.

Iż-żewġ oqsma jinvolvu sfidi politiċi li sa issa ħadd ma ried jaffaċċja.

English version – Elections in Italy

The upcoming elections in Italy constitute another staging post in the European democratic process that cannot be sidestepped. Due to the issues being raised about the choices that the country must decide upon… regarding the euro among other matters, as well as the future of the European union… these elections are presenting a challenge that must be faced before consideration can really be given to essential European decisions that have long remained pending.

The same happened in preceding months when the Spanish, French and German elections came on line. Moreover, the election result in Germany has served to generate uncertainties regarding which political direction that country with its undoubted influence, could be taking.

Some people claim that decisions about the future direction of Europe should not continue to depend year in year out, on the swings of the national election calendars. All the time, this is slowing the process – indeed stopping it altogether – by which major decisions are brought close to a conclusion.

One way forward to ease the problem would be a system by which the electoral calendars of all countries in the EU, or almost all, are set to the same rhythm. Such a proposal has yet to be made…



It’s a pity that in this country, no matter how hard we try to organize correctly large scale and complicated projects, we never succeed in this right up to the moment when they are completed and “finished”. The point holds for the private just as much as for the public sector. We have witnessed this all happen once again in the Kappara project.

There rarely was a project run up to the final phase with such skill and attention in order to create least disturbance and to ensure that at all stages, it was being implemented efficiently. But then, as we reached the final phase, it was like a strange fatigue took over – or so it seemed to me. As of now, when the project was supposed to have been completed, one senses a lack of concentration in the manner by which the finishing touches (?) and applications are still being carried out.

I am left with the conclusion that as far as I can tell, the only project which up to now can still claim to have been carried right up to the finishing stage in an exemplary manner was that at Portomaso (no matter what you happen to think about the project itself).



Last week, I visited the factories and other Wasteserve facilities at Magħtab. It had been a long while since I was there. I was impressed by the changes that have been carried out.

The “new” factory that processes the arriving waste after separating it into different streams is doing extremely valuable work. Given another similar facility operating in parallel with it, the potential would exist to process all the waste of the island as a whole in one place, with least adverse impact on the environment. The Magħtab precincts, I was told, exceeds in extent the territory occupied by Valletta 18.

Two challenges must still be overcome: in first place, how to create the landfill space that in the short term needs to be available, in order to accomodate today’s and tomorrow’s waste till the plants required to process it satisfactorily come on stream; and secondly, how the collection of household and commercial waste is going to be organised in a serious manner.

The two sectors give rise to political challenges that up to now, nobody has been inclined to face.

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