Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, fil-Parlament Ewropew qamet kontroversja kbira dwar id-drittijiet tal-awtur, l-aktar fl-użu ta’ materjal mużikali, ġurnalistiku u letterarju. B’liema mod dal-materjal, maħruġ minni u minnek, seta’ jintuża minn oħrajn fuq l-internet? Ir-riżoluzzjoni fuq das-suġġett ilha titħejja xhur twal.

Mill-bidu jien deherli li dawk li joħolqu jew jippublikaw xogħol kreattiv jistħoqqilhom protezzjoni, l-istess kif jiġri meta kumpanija kummerċjali tiżviluppa prodotti ġodda għall-bejgħ u jkollha ħarsien għall-invenzjonijiet li tniedi.

It-test tar-riżoluzzjoni li tressaq quddiem il-Parlament tkellem dwar kif għandha tingħata dil-protezzjoni.

Fl-aħħar ġimgħat, qamet ferneżija ta’ protesti kontrih. Intqal li r-riżoluzzjoni kienet se tillimita bil-kbir il-ħelsien tal-utenti tal-internet fl-aċċess għall-informazzjoni u l-kultura. Ukoll li l-proposti mressqa kienu se jsaħħu d-dominanza ta’ Google fit-tmexxija tal-internet. Jien, bħal kull membru tal-Parlament Ewropew, ġejt bumbardjat b’dawn il-messaġġi, b’għaqdiet tal-konsumaturi u sostenituri ta’ Wikipedia fl-avangwardja. Min-naħa l-oħra, punt li ma stajtx nifhem kien kif anke Google għamlet kampanja kontra r-riżoluzzjoni.

Din ma għaddietx.


Wieħed jistenna li l-pressjoni publika dwar il-qtil orribbli tas-sinjura Daphne Caruana Galizia – parti minnha b’intenzjonijiet tajba, parti minnha le – tkompli fil-ġimgħat u fix-xhur li ġejjin. Wieħed jistenna wkoll li f’xi żmien jew ieħor, l-istess pressjoni tbatti hekk kif iseħħu ġrajjiet oħra drammatiċi oħra.

Ikun żball (li ma naħsibx li se jsir) jekk min-naħa tal-awtoritajiet jitnaqqsu l-isforzi biex jinstabu dawk kollha responsabbli. Żmien twil ilu, uffiċjal għoli nkarigat mill-istħarriġ kriminali f’pajjiż ewlieni Ewropew qalli li aktar ma jgħaddi ż-żmien minn fuq investigazzjoni ta’ każ serju ħafna, aktar iridu jiżdiedu r-riżorsi ta’ stħarriġ.

Dnub li kien hemm min għamel minn kollox biex jippolitiċizza l-investigazzjoni tal-każ. Il-biċċa għandha tibqa’ titqies bħala eżerċizzju serju ħafna ta’ sfida teknika u kriminali. Terz tal-problema sa issa nħallet; fl-Islovakkja quddiem każ simili għadhom b’idejhom vojta. Dak li baqa’ xi jsir irid ikompli jitwettaq b’kull premura.


Qed nara l-affarijiet tajjeb jew qed nimmaġinahom? Il-festi tas-sajf għadhom qed jirrankaw jew il-ħerqa għalihom battiet xi ftit?

Dan għax donnhom qed jinstemgħu u jidhru anqas murtali u logħob tan-nar. Fejn saru l-festi, qisu kien hemm anqas dekorazzjonijiet fit-toroq u l-attivitajiet ma twalux daqskemm ġieli jagħmlu.

Jista’ jkun li għax l-istaġun m’ilux daqstant li fetaħ. Jista’ jkun li sa issa l-logħbiet tat-Tazza tad-Dinja tal-futboll ħallew l-effett tagħhom. Żewġ raġunijiet li tawhomli ħbieb li merew li hemm xi tnaqqis fil-ħrara lejn il-festi. Tnaqqis hekk ma jkunx daqstant sorprendenti; ikollok tassumi li l-festi huma wkoll soġġetti għal bidliet fil-moda u fid-drawwiet.

Authors’ copyright

Last week, the European Parliament was the scene of a huge controversy about authors’ copyright, mostly covering the use of musical, journalistic and literary material. In what way can such material created by you and I, be used by others over the internet? A resolution on the subject had taken long months to be drafted.

Right from the start I took the view that those who originate or publish creative work justifiably should be given protection, in the same way that a commercial company which develops new products for the market is given protection over the inventions that it launches. The text presented to Parliament discussed how such protection should be given.

In recent weeks, there arose against it a storm of protests. The resolution sought to greatly limit the freedom of internet users in their access to information and culture – so it was claimed. There arose also the claim that the proposals being made would enhance Google’s dominance in internet affairs. Like all other MEPs, I was bombarded with these messages, with consumer associations and Wikipedia devotees leading the vanguard. Meanwhile, one point I failed to understand was why Google too was lobbying against the resolution.

The vote went against it.



One expects that regarding the horrible murder of Mrs Daphne Caruana Galizia, public pressures – partly guided by good intentions, partly not – will continue during coming weeks and months. One expects too that eventually, the same pressures will weaken as other dramatic events take place.

It would be a mistake (but I doubt it will occur) if the authorities now slacken efforts to discover all those responsible for the murder. Many years ago, a high official in charge of criminal investigations in a leading European country confided to me that the more time passes over an inquiry of some very serious incident, the more should investigative resources be dedicated to it.

The pity is that there have been those who have gone all out to politicise the ongoing investigation of the murder. The matter should still be considered as a most serious exercise which must overcome all arising technical and legal challenges. One third of the problem has been solved as of now; in Slovakia where a similar case also happened, investigators remain in the dark. What still needs to be done here should be given total priority.



Am I seeing things as they are or imagining them? Are summer festas still rolling or has the enthusiasm for them been peaking?

This is because less petards and less fireworks are apparently being heard and seen. Where festas have already been held, it looked like there were less street decorations while outdoor celebrations did not last as long as they frequently do.

The reason might be that it’s still early days – the festa season has just opened. It could be too that World Cup football games have made an impact. Two friends gave me these explanations even as they disagreed that there has been any decline in the enthusiasm for festas. Such a decline would not be too surprising after all; you have to assume that festas too can be subject to changes in fashion and habits.

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