Four contemporary Gozitan artists will unveil twenty four artistic exhibits at the main hall of the European Parliament between 6-9 March 2018 featuring Gozitan realities and aspirations during an exhibition entitled ‘Embracing change in Gozo’. Rachel Galea, Kris Saliba, Manuel Farrugia and Anthony Caruana have been invited by Maltese MEP and former Prime Minister Alfred Sant to display six paintings each and provide an opportunity for MEPs and visitors to the European Parliament from EU countries to appreciate the works of artists living on an island at the periphery of Europe.
The Gozitan artists said that the fact that they come from a small island on the periphery of the European continent strengthens their resolve to be creative in this showcase opportunity.
“These paintings have been conceived as a tribute to the natural beauty of our island in conjunction with the careful man-made interventions devised throughout the years which gave a distinctive character to the island. It is a cultural heritage we Gozitans cherish in an age in which we are embracing changes at social and infrastructural levels. The paintings are a testimony of what we were and we still are; they express the need of salvaging our identity and heritage and the need of finding the right balance with the expectations and demands of contemporaneity.” said Manuel Farrugia, one of the artists exhibiting his art pieces.
The Maltese MEP said it is part of his strategy to make Gozitan aspirations and achievements better known in Europe.
“Their artistic interpretations deserve such a recognition at the European Parliament. They deserve support and appreciation for their creative initiatives. They are making a difference while overcoming the economic and social difficulties arising from the double insularity that Gozo like other EU islands, suffers from.” said Dr Sant.
Logistical preparations for the transportation of the works of art are underway to ensure the exhibits will be mounted in a successful and effective way. The exhibition will be officially launched by Minister of Gozo Justyne Caruana.


Erba’ artisti kontemporanji Għawdxin se jippreżentaw erbgħa u għoxrin xogħol artistiku fil-Parlament Ewropew bejn is-6 u d-9 ta’ Marzu 2018 bit-tema EMBRACING CHANGE IN GOZO. Rachel Galea, Kris Saliba, Manuel Farrugia u Anthony Caruana ġew mistiedna minn Alfred Sant biex jeżebixxu sitt pitturi kull wieħed biex Ewroparlamentari u viżitaturi tal-Parlament Ewropew mill-pajjiżi Ewropej kollha jkollhom l-opportunita` japprezzaw ix-xogħol ta’ artisti li jgħixu fuq gżira fil-periferija tal-Ewropa.
L-artisti Għawdxin qalu li l-fatt li ġejjin minn gżira żgħira u fil-periferija tal-kontinent Ewropew issaħħaħ id-determinazzjoni tagħhom jilqgħu din l-opportunita` u jkunu kreattivi f’din il-wirja.
“Dawn il-pitturi nibtu bħala ċelebrazzjoni tas-sbuħija naturali ta’ gżiritna li flimkien ma’ interventi umani meqjusa, tul is-snin taw lil Għawdex karatteristiċi uniċi. Huwa wirt kulturali li aħna l-Għawdxin ngħożżu f’era fejn qed nitħabbu mal-bidla f’livelli soċjali u infrastrutturali. Il-pitturi huma xhieda ta’ dak li konna u ta’ dak li aħna; jesprimu l-ħtieġa li nħarsu l-identita` u l-wirt tagħna u jesprimu t-tiftixa għall-bilanċ ġust bejn l-aspettattivi u l-ħtiġijiet tal-kontemporanjeta`.” qal Manuel Farrugia, wieħed mill-artisti li qed jeżebixxi l-opri artistiċi tiegħu.

Alfred Sant qal li hija parti mill-istrateġija tiegħu li jagħmel l-aspirazzjonijiet u l-kisbiet tal-Għawdxin aktar magħrufin fl-Ewropa.
“L-Interpretazzjoni artistiċi tagħhom jistħoqqilhom dan ir-rikonoxximent fil-Parlament Ewropew. Jistħoqqilhom kull appoġġ u apprezzament għall-inizjattivi artistiċi tagħhom. Qed joħolqu d-differenza waqt li qed jegħlbu d-diffikultajiet soċjali u ekonomiċi li jiġu mill-insultarita` doppja li jsofri Għawdex flimkien ma’ gżejjer oħra fl-Ewropa.” qal Dr Sant.
Il-preparazzjonijiet loġistiċi għat-trasport tax-xogħlijiet tal-arti qed ikunu organizzati bir-reqqa biex ikun żgurat immuntar effettiv u jissarraf f’suċċess. Il-wirja se titnieda uffiċjalment mill-Ministru ta’ Għawdex Justyne Caruana.

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