Nibqa’ mhux konvint li l-Brexit ifisser li r-Renju Unit se jkun qabad fiż-żmien li ġej in-niżla, ekonomikament u politikament. Hi ħaġa ċara li l-elites li jmexxu nqabdu fuq sieq waħda bir-riżultat tar-referendum Ingliż. Ma stennewhx.
L-apparat kollu tal-gvern kien ippernjat fuq iż-żamma tal-istatus quo. Ħadd ma kien ħadem fuq kif ir-Renju Unit se joħroġ mill-Unjoni Ewropea għax dawk li l-aktar ipproponew il-biċċa kienu barra mill-makkinarju tat-tmexxija statali.
Sakemm din is-sitwazzjoni tiġi kontrollata, hemm bżonn taż-żmien. Ħaġa ċara li fil-frattemp, il-konsegwenzi ekonomiċi jistgħu jeħżienu.
Imma lil hinn minn hekk, l-isfida tibqa’ ta’ kif ir-Renju Unit se jsib rabta mal-Unjoni li tkun tikkonvjeni għaż-żewġ naħat. Ninsab konvint li tista’ tinstab.
F’qafas ta’ ftehim, ma narax għaliex ir-Renju Unit se jaqbad in-niżla għax ikun barra l-Unjoni Ewropea. L-istess kif ma narax għaliex l-Unjoni Ewropew għandha taqbad in-niżla għax ir-Renju Unit ma jibqax parti minnha. Dejjem jekk ma jidħlux fin-nofs il-fundamentalisti tal-federaliżmu Ewropew…
Il-bidla, igħidulna, saret parti integrali mill-ħajja li ngħixu. U rridu nkunu nafu kif se niggwidawha u mmexxuha.
Qabel, affarijiet bħal dawn kienu jgħiduhom l-aktar f’diskussjonijiet dwar l-istrateġiji azjendali. Min jaf kemm f’żogħżiti attendejt seminars dottorali dwar sfidi tat-tip fejn trid tara kif il-bidla fl-ambjent tal-marketing, tal-finanzi, tal-produzzjoni, tal-politika u oħrajn għandek tipprova tipprevediha jew tkun flessibbli biżżejjed biex tilqa’ għaliha hekk kif tiżviluppa.
Minn dak iż-żmien lil hawn, l-istess modi ta’ kif taħfen ir-realtà xterdu lejn l-oqsma soċjali, politiċi u anki diplomatiċi.
Donnu li daħlet rassenjazzjoni li l-bidla tiġi fuqek, mhux tvaraha int.
F’oqsma barra t-tmexxija azjendali, f’żogħżiti kien isir ukoll ħafna diskors dwar “ir-revoluzzjoni”.
Mhux aktar.

Jekk il-gvern Laburista tal-lum wettaq progress kbir, dan kien fil-qasam tad-diskriminazzjoni: waqqa ħafna barrieri, mhux biss istituzzjonali u soċjali, imma fl-imħuħ; inkluż moħħi.
Id-dritt għal għajxein tajjeb ta’ minoranzi – ċkejkna kemm huma ċkejkna – qed jiġi sostnut b’suċċess u naħseb, b’mod li ma jistax jitreġġa’ lura. Waqt li dan sar, qed niftħu għajnejna dwar realtà li konna nostru: dik li l-ħajja tal-bniedem jaf ikollha mitt elf mod kif tasserixxi ruħha, u kollha huma validi sakemm ikunu ġenwini u ma jħassrux id-dritt ta’ bnedmin oħra għal għajxien ħieles u denn.
Fl-istess ħin, fl-isforzi kontra d-diskriminazzjoni, tajjeb li noqogħdu b’seba’ għajnejn ħalli dawk li ma jifhmux it-tifsira vera ta’ xi jkun għaddej, ma jħossuhomx mitluqa quddiem dak li jidhrilhom bħala l-qerda tal-ambjent tradizzjonali li draw jgħixu fih b’qima.

English Version – Is the UK on the decline?

One must remain diffident about claims being made that the UK will experience an economic and political decline in the coming future, as a result of Brexit.

It is clear that the ruling elites were caught on the wrong foot by the British referendum result, which they did not expect.

The whole machinery of government was focussed on the maintenance of the status quo. Nobody had worked out how the UK would exit from the EU, not least because those who proposed the move were outside the state apparatus.

For such a situation to be brought under control, time is needed. Clearly too, in the meantime some negative economic economic consequences will emerge.

Beyond this however, the challenge that remains is for the UK to agree a relationship with the Union that would suit both sides. I am persuaded this can be done.

In the context of such an agreement, I fail to see why the UK should go into a declineby being outside the EU. Similarly, there are no grounds for prospecting that the EU would in its turn experience a decline simply because the UK is no longer a member. All this is based on the assumption that federalist fundamentalists in Europe do not stir the pot…


Management of change

Change, we are told, has become an integral part of the life we live. So, we need to know how to guide and manage it.

Formerly, such points used to be made mostly in discussions about business strategy. In my younger days, I attended countless doctoral seminars dealing with the challenges that arise when change takes place in the environment of marketing, finance, production, the political and other systems, and how you need to try and predict it, or be flexible enough to meet it head on as it develops.

Since then, the same ways of looking at reality have spread to the social, political and even diplomatic areas.

It seems as if we have become resigned to the fact that one must expect to experience change for it is no longer something that one launches.

Outside business management, in my younger days there also used to be lots of talk about “the revolution”.

Not any more.



The rolling back of discrimination is an area where without any doubt, the Labour government has accomplished huge progress: as a result many barriers have fallen, institutional, social and in the minds of people, mine included.

The right of minorities, no matter how small, to enjoy a good life is being successfully sustained and I think, irreversibly. While this was being done, we are coming to accept a reality that we used to hide from ourselves. The life of a person can reveal itself in a hundred thousand ways, and they are all valid so long as they are genuine and do not restrict the right of others to enjoy a free and worthwhile life.

At the same time, in ongoing efforts to wipe out discrimination, one needs to ensure that those people who fail to understand what is going on, do not feel abandoned in the face of what they consider to be the destruction of the traditional set up in which they used to lead respectful lives.

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