Meta l-ekonomija tibqa’ tirranka, hi ħaġa naturali li l-attenzjoni publika tiffoka aktar fuq materji li s-soltu jieħdu t-tieni jew it-tielet prijorità: bħall-kwistjonijiet ambjentali. Imma jista’ jkun ukoll li l-istess rankatura ekonomika trendi aktar akuti il-problemi “sekondarji”.
Pereżempju, jidher li s-servizzi tat-tindif fil-pajjiż qed isibuha bi tqila biex irażżnu l-firxa ta’ żibel fit-toroq. Il-volum tiegħu żdied; ukoll l-indixxiplina tas-soċjetà tagħna; waqt li riżorsi għat-tindif baqgħu lura. Nissuspetta li ħaġa simili qed tiġri fir-rigward tat-tmexxija tal-Magħtab.
Bl-istess mod: it-tniġġis tal-ibħra mill-gaġeġ fejn jitrabba t-tonn. Hemm ukoll żdiedu l-volum ta’ xogħol u l-abbużi.
Wieħed jista’ jargumenta li ekonomija li qed tikber b’rata tajba, se jkollha aktar riżorsi biex tilqa’ għall-problemi bħal tat-tniġġis li jiżdied. Min-naħa dan veru; mill-oħra, dejjem jinqala’ dewmien bejn l-iżbroff ta’ problemi “ġodda” jew “akbar” u l-għarfien li biex tilqa’ tajjeb għalihom trid timmobilizza aktar riżorsi.
It-turiżmu fil-gżejjer tal-Canarias ilu jirranka għall-aħħar sitt snin. Tletin fil-mija tal-ekonomija tiddependi minnu.
Dis-sena qed jistennew aktar minn 14-il miljun turist, seba’ darbiet il-popolazzjoni. Bħal Malta, jew aktar, jibbenefikaw minn klima mill-isbaħ li ma tantx tvarja matul ix-xhur u baħar ħanin.
Skont il-ġurnal El Pais, fil-Canarias ma jridux jinqabdu f’ċirku vizzjuż fejn jibqgħu jistrieħu fuq l-istess formola biex jiġbdu t-turisti lejhom. Jekk, tinbidel il-moda ta’ fejn u kif isiru l-vjaġġi, jispiċċaw imdendla. Ukoll qed jinkwetawhom l-effetti li jistgħu jirriżultaw mill-Brexit peress li ħafna turisti huma Brittaniċi.
Għaddej sforz bħalissa biex il-gżejjer iqisu x’mudelli ta’ bidla u żvilupp jistgħu jħaddmu ħalli jġeddu l-prodott turistiku tagħhom. Parti minn dil-ħidma hi maħsuba biex tara kif aktar mill-valur ekonomiku maħluq mit-turiżmu jinżamm fil-Canarias, mhux jittieħed minn azjendi barranin.
Ta’ min insegwu x’inhu jiġri f’dan il-qasam fost il-Kanarini. Nistgħu nitgħallmu xi ħaġa minnu.
Wara l-Brexit
Skont rapporti fl-istampa Ingliża, il-gvern tar-Renju Unit qed isib diffikultajiet meta jiġi biex iħejji l-pożizzjonijiet tiegħu ħalli jinnegozja kif se joħroġ lill-pajjiż mill-Unjoni Ewropea. Fin-nofs hemm ukoll problemi prattiċi tal-uffiċjali li jeħtieġ biex il-gvern ikun jista’ jiddiskuti t-teknikalitajiet ma’ Brussell.
Dil-ħaġa tiftiehem. Mill-bidu nett ma niżliltlix l-għaġla li biha ċerti Ewropej riedu li jitilqu n-negozjati tal-Brexit. Qishom ippikaw. Bħallikieku dawn l-affarijiet tista’ tittratahom b’pika.
Pereżempju fuq kwistjonijiet ta’ kummerċ barrani, fejn l-Unjoni Ewropea għandha kompetenzi kbar, ir-Renju Unit matul is-snin kien naqqas bil-kbir in-numru ta’ uffiċjali li jamministraw il-qasam, la “kollox” kien isir mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea.
Mhux possibbli terġa’ tibni personnel tiegħek fuq bażi nazzjonali f’dil-materja mil-lum għal għada.

English Version – Pollution

As the economy maintains its momentum, it is natural that public attention focuses more on matters that usually are relegated to second or third priority, such as environmental issues. However the case could be that the same economic momentum is making so-called secondary priorities more acute.

For instance, it seems that cleaning services on the island are finding it difficult to cope adequately with the spread of waste in open spaces. It has grown in volume; so too indeed has indiscipline among our citizens, while the resources available to clean up sites have not kept pace.

In like manner: consider the pollution of the seas caused by the cages where tuna is fattened. Here too, the volume of throughput has increased, and so have abuses.

One could argue that an economy which is moving forward at a good clip, should have have at its disposal more resources with which to deal with growing problems like that of environmental pollution. This is certainly true; still there is always a lag between the emergence of new or “greater” problems, and a recognition that to cover them well, one needs to mobilise more resources.



Tourism in the Canary islands has been on the increase for the last six years. Thirty per cent of the economy depends on the sector.

This year, they are expecting to welcome over 14 million toruists, seven times the local population. Like Malta or better, the islands enjoy a beautiful climate that hardly varies over the months, as well as clement seas.

According to El Pais newspaper, the Canaries are seeking to avoid the vicious circle they could fall into if they continue to rely on the same model to attract tourists.If somehow, the fashion changes for where to travel and how, they could be left hanging. Also, they are worrying about the possible effects of Brexit, since many of their arrivals are from the UK.

An effort is being made presently to investigate whether the islands could adopt other models of change and development in order to renew their tourism product. In part, this exercise is also intended to see how a greater portion of the tourism value added in the Canary islands could be retained there, rather than accruing to foreign enterprises.

Maybe we should take an interestin what is happeningin the Canaries along these lines.There might be some lessons for us in what they are proposing.


Post Brexit

According to British press reports, the UK government is finding difficulties as it tries to detail its negotiating position for the country’s exit from the EU. They are also practical problems: the UK needs officials able to conduct discussions on technicalities with Brussels.

This is understandable. Right from the start I failed to appreciate the rush with which certain European spokespersons wanted to launch Brexit negotiations. They seemed driven by pique. As if such matters should be dealt with in a fit of pique.

For instance on foreign trade issues, where the EU has assumed wide ranging powers, the UK had over the years greatly reduced the number of administrators in this field, since “everything” was being done by the European Commission.

It is hardly possible to rebuild overnight a national team of officials prepared to handle such matters.

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