Explanation of Votes

Copyright in the Digital Single Market

I have voted in favour of this text. The tendency today is for Internet giants to capture the work of creators and use it in the framework of advertising activities. If nothing is done, there will be growing disincentives for creators to work. The proposed directive on copyright in the digital single market seems to

Explanation of Votes

Alfred Sant abstains on EU-Nato relations resolution

Maltese MEP Alfred Sant abstained on the report ‘EU-NATO Relations’ at the European Parliament. Dr Sant said that since Malta is a neutral country, it is appropriate not to vote for or against issues arising from the relationship between the EU and NATO. Secondly, said the Maltese MEP, the report glosses over the real security

Explanation of Votes

Explanation of vote for the Report

I am voting for this legislative proposal because it introduces needed changes to transfer resources between categories and goals for expenditure in order to keep abreast of set priorities. Especially, the proposal supports the continuation of the Youth Employment Initiative and takes into account the new eligible status of Cyprus under the Cohesion Fund. However

Explanation of Votes

Towards a pan-European covered bonds framework

Covered bonds have already proved themselves over centuries in some of European markets. They have provided robust and flexible methods for raising finance, benefitting both issuers and investors in a reasonably transparent framework. In the run-up to the Commission’s proposal for a Directive, the European Parliament has approved a comprehensive and well-balanced resolution. As Shadow