Plenary and Committee Speeches

Debate on the EU’s country-specific recommendations (CSRs) on economic policy – event jointly organised by the Economic and Monetary Affairs and Employment and Social Affairs Committees

Let me start by congratulating the Commission for having streamlined the semester process and refocused the country specific recommendations, not least by reducing their number and concentrating their thrust. In its report, the Commission starts by noting that “growth is returning to the EU” but says that developments leading to it are largely short term.

Plenary and Committee Speeches

Mini Plenary – Meeting on G7 Summit

As globalisation accelerates, the widening of economic divergences between regions in some of the large trading blocs is being overlooked. Meanwhile, the financial system remains predominant over all other economic sectors, because it serves to run and monitor globalisation. It is allocated resources and rewards proportionately far above its contribution to real value added. Wealth

Plenary and Committee Speeches

Annual Growth Survey DEBATE – 1 1.03.2015

I congratulate Mr Rosati our rapporteur for his fine work. I thank our other shadow rapporteurs for their valuable inputs. The analyses and conclusions in the Annual Growth Survey are well in line with the parameters of the Stability and Growth Pact. However, I must register some unease at aspects of our proceedings. As of