Plenary and Committee Speeches

New Commission Hearings – Lord hill

Diverġenzi kbar żviluppaw bejn Stati Membri u reġjuni fi ħdan is-suq uniku Ewropew u ż-żona euro. Dawn wasslu għal mudelli ta’ vantaġġ kompetittiv differenti minn xulxin, li wħud minnhom jiddependu fuq il-kummerċ fis-servizzi. Numru ta’ territorji, anke minħabba d-daqs tagħhom, u għal uħud minnhom minħabba s-sitwazzjonijiet periferali tagħhom, żviluppaw kompetenza fil-forniment ta’ servizzi finanzjarji. Fost

Plenary and Committee Speeches

European Semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2014 priorities – Intervention in Debate – 21.1.2014

The truth is that the investment rate in the European Union had been decreasing well before the 2008 crisis. Following this crisis, stagnation continued to spread. The truth is that to reach higher levels of competitivity in order to create new jobs, we find ourselves in a system in which internal devaluation has become the most