Plenary and Committee Speeches

The policy priorities of the Econ Committee

In first place for ECON comes the discharge of functions that have been delegated to the Parliament under the Union treaties. This discharge is carried out meticulously and diligently. Secondly, there is the search for increased relevance and importance, by which the EP takes initiatives to assert its presence and relevance, propose policy alternatives, contest

Plenary and Committee Speeches

Financial services – plenary intervention

The texts we are discussing relate to complex regulations developed in the past few years as a response to the demands and needs of financial markets in Europe and elsewhere. They provide us with an opportunity to reflect on the financial services sector to which they relate.In recent years, especially since Luxleaks and the Panama papers

Plenary and Committee Speeches

Dr Sant Intervention in the joint European Parliament European Commission public hearing on Empowering National Competition Authorities (NCAs) to be more effective enforcers

Thank you Mr Chairman, my question, I wonder whether this is the right time to hold this debate. From a political perspective what we are discussing could be interpreted as a move towards centralisation of competition policy and the harmonisation of competition rules across the Union. And would not this be politically be a bit