Written Statements

Protezzjoni tal-ġurnalisti u d-difiża tal-libertà tal-midja f’Malta: il-każ ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia

Il-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia huwa delitt orribbli, li qatt ma jista’ jkun gustifikat. Mhuwiex attakk biss kontra persuna individwali , imma kontra Malta, l-Ewropa u l-valuri tal-Maltin kollha. M’għandniex inħallu dan l-att faħxi jimmina d-demokrazija f’pajjizna. Lanqas għandna nhallu l-konsegwenzi tiegħu jaqsmu lil pajjizna u lill-poplu Malti. Magħquda flimkien, irridu niżguraw li ssir ġustizzja.

Written Statements

Fiscal compact and its incorporation into the EU legal framework

Proposals for EU reform and deepening have proliferated. In the European Union formally or informally, they must be acknowledged and taken into account. Especially with regard to the eurozone, most proposals envisage further deepening of central management structures on a federalist basis. They then put a bracket around meaningful consolidation strategies. Yet, these should be

Written Statements

Statement by the President of the Commission – State of the Union

This year’s State of the Union message gave a look back. It presented the remaining programme of activities the Commission will implement by the end of its mandate and provided post-mandate strategic guidelines for the EU’s future development. We have swung from the depths of last year’s frustration and disappointment to a strong optimism. However,

Written Statements

EU Defence plan and the future of Europe

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It is sad but probable that current ideas to launch an EU defence plan could bear out this dictum. An EU defence plan can only work if it is based on a clear definition of what the common EU interest is by way of security and

Written Statements

The refoundation of a Europe based on values

Title of debate : The refoundation of a Europe based on values, anchored in effective democratic institutions and promoting a prosperous economy in a fair and cohesive society Written statement : Soulsearching about European values has become a prevalent mood because since 2008, certain basic tenets about what the EU stood for, and on which