Question for written answer E-004214/17
to the Commission
Alfred Sant (S&D)
(26 June 2017)

Subject: Employment figures in the EU island regions and the EU
With reference to Written Question E-003728/15 of 6 March 2015, can the Commission give the number of employed persons for
the years 2003 to 2015 in respect of NUTS levels 2 and 3 island regions?

Answer given by Ms Thyssen on behalf of the Commission
(22 August 2017)
The Honourable Member will find the requested information in the annex.

The information provided relates to island regions at NUTS 2 level only, since Eurostat does not publish data from the EU-Labour
Force Survey at NUTS 3 level. Furthermore, Eurostat does not publish the aggregate for the EU-25. Instead, EU-15 has been included.
The information in the annex refers to the age group 15 years and over.
The information in the annex includes the total number of employed persons but not the employed persons as a share of the
economically active population, as the employment rate is calculated as a percentage of the total population of the same age group.
More data and indicators from the EU-Labour Force Survey can be accessed on Eurostat website (1). Where available, NUTS 3 level
indicators may be requested from the national statistical offices.
EU island regions listed in the annex were defined as NUTS 2 regions entirely insular or part of islands without a fixed link (bridge,
tunnel) to the mainland.


Mistoqsija għal tweġiba bil-miktub E-004214/2017
Artikolu 130 tar-Regoli ta’ Proċedura
Alfred Sant (S&D)
Suġġett: Iċ-ċifri tal-impjiegi fir-reġjuni gżejjer tal-UE u fl-UE
B’referenza għall-Mistoqsija bil-Miktub E-003728/15 tas-6 ta’ Marzu 2015, tista’ l-Kummissjoni tipprovdi l-għadd ta’ persuni impjegati għas-snin bejn l-2003 u l-2015 fir-rigward tar-reġjuni gżejjer fil-livelli NUTS 2 u 3?

MT E-004214/2017 Tweġiba mogħtija mis-Sinjura Thyssen f’isem il-Kummissjoni (22.8.2017)

L-informazzjoni mitluba mill-Onorevoli Membru tinsab fl-Anness.

L-informazzjoni mogħtija għandha x’taqsam mar-reġjuni insulari fil-livell NUTS 2 biss, għax il-Eurostat ma jippubblikax id-dejta tal-Istħarriġ dwar il-Forza tax-Xogħol fl-UE fil-livell NUTS 3. Barra minn hekk, il-Eurostat ma jippubblikax l-aggregat għall-UE-25. Minflok, ġiet inkluża d-dejta għall-UE-15. L-informazzjoni f’dan l-Anness tirreferi għall-grupp tal-età minn 15-il sena ‘l fuq.

L-informazzjoni fl-Anness tinkludi l-għadd totali tal-persuni impjegati iżda mhux il-persuni impejgati bħala proporzjon tal-populazzjoni attiva ekonomikament, peress li r-rata tal-impjiegi hija kkalkulata bħala persentaġġ tal-popolazzjoni totali tal-istess grupp ta’ età.

Aktar dejta u indikaturi li ħarġu mill-Istħarriġ dwar il-Forza tax-Xogħol fl-UE tinsab fil-website tal-Eurostat (1). Fejn disponibbli, l-indikaturi tal-livell NUTS 3 jistgħu jintalbu mill-uffiċċji nazzjonali tal-istatistika.

Ir-reġjuni insulari tal-UE elenkati fl-Anness ġew definiti bħala reġjuni NUTS 2 insulari għalkollox jew parti minn gżejjer mingħajr rabta fissa (pont, mina) mal-kontinent.


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