Question for written answer
to the Commission
Rule 130
Alfred Sant (S&D)

Subject: Follow-up to Question for Written Answer P-003389-17 on EFSI in island regions

In its reply to Question P-003389-17 on EFSI in island regions, the Commission has failed to provide the requested data, suggesting instead two generic websites dealing with EFSI. Considering that these websites in no way display the information requested in the written question, the Commission is once again being asked to provide a reply, based on its latest figures, to the questions below:
Can the Commission provide data on the approved EFSI financing volume and the number of projects linked to island regions in the EU?
Can the Commission provide figures on the number of rejected EFSI proposals targeted at the island regions of the EU?
Can the Commission state the percentage of EFSI financing for island regions in terms of the total EFSI budget?

Answer given by Vice-President Katainen on behalf of the Commission (27.9.2017)
As the Commission pointed out in its reply to written question P-003389/2017, the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) is demand-driven. Geographical reporting is for information purposes and done at national level only. The Commission can therefore not provide the data requested by the Honourable Member.

The new interactive map available on the European Investment Bank (EIB) website [1] however allows users to view projects by region and therefore gives an indication as to projects on islands [2].

2. The following are some concrete examples of island projects available on the EIB website:
Raffineria di Milazzo (Sicily, Italy):
Las Palmas Bus Rapid Transit (Gran Canaria, Spain):
Agro Food Industry RDI (MGF) (Crete, Greece):

Maltese Version

Suġġett: Segwitu għal Mistoqsija għal tweġiba bil-miktub P-003389-17 dwar il-FEIS fir-reġjuni insulari
Fit-tweġiba tagħha għall-Mistoqsija P-003389-17 dwar il-FEIS fir-reġjuni insulari, il-Kummissjoni naqset milli tipprovdi d-data mitluba, u minflok issuġġeriet żewġ siti web ġeneriċi li jittrattaw il-FEIS. Fid-dawl tal-fatt li dawn is-siti web bl-ebda mod ma jipprovdu l-informazzjoni mitluba fil-mistoqsija bil-miktub, għal darb’ oħra l-Kummissjoni qed tiġi mitluba twieġeb, abbażi taċ-ċifri l-aktar reċenti tagħha, il-mistoqsijiet ta’ hawn taħt:
Il-Kummissjoni tista’ tipprovdi data dwar il-volum ta’ finanzjament tal-FEIS approvat u l-għadd ta’ proġetti marbutin mar-reġjuni insulari fl-UE?
Il-Kummissjoni tista’ tipprovdi ċifri dwar l-għadd ta’ proposti tal-FEIS immirati lejn ir-reġjuni insulari tal-UE li ġew irrifjutati?
Il-Kummissjoni tista’ tiddikjara l-persentaġġ ta’ finanzjament tal-FEIS għar-reġjuni insulari f’termini tal-baġit totali tal-FEIS?

Tweġiba mogħtija mill-Viċi President Katainen f’isem il-Kummissjoni (27.9.2017)
Kif indikat il-Kummissjoni fit-tweġiba tagħha għall-mistoqsija bil-miktub P-003389/2017, il-Fond Ewropew għall-Investimenti Strateġiċi (FEIS) jimxi skont id-domanda. Ir-rapportar ġeografiku huwa għal finijiet ta’ informazzjoni u jsir biss fil-livell nazzjonali. Il-Kummissjoni, għalhekk, ma tistax tipprovdi d-data mitluba mill-Onorevoli Membru.

Il-mappa ġdida interattiva disponibbli fuq is-sit web tal-Bank Ewropew tal-Investiment (BEI) [3], madankollu, tippermetti lill-utenti jaraw il-proġetti skont ir-reġjun u b’hekk tagħti indikazzjoni dwar proġetti fuq gżejjer [4].

4. Dawn li ġejjin huma xi eżempji konkreti ta’ proġetti fuq gżejjer li huma disponibbli fuq is-sit web tal-BEI:
Raffineria di Milazzo (Sqallija, l-Italja):
Las Palmas Bus Rapid Transit (Gran Canaria, Spanja):
Agro Food Industry RDI (MGF) (Kreta, il-Greċja):

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