
Single Euro Payments Area

24 September 2014 E-007117-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Question: Could the Commission please provide annual data regarding the funds — from all relevant sources — in the EU budget for the years 2011 to 2013 that were directly related to the Europe 2020 target of reducing the



Stramb kif qed jispiċċa s-sajf fi Strasburgu fejn kont din il-ġimgħa għal-laqgħat plenarji tal-Parlament Ewropew. Dis-sena qaluli għamlet ħafna xita matul ix-xhur ta’ Lulju u Awwissu. Issa, t-temp qaleb għal bnazzi u sħana pjaċevoli, mhux waħda tifgak bl-umdità kif għadu qed jiġri f’Settembru fostna. Biss, ix-xemx tidher tard filgħodu, kwazi jkun wasal nofsinhar. Sa dak



Igħaddu s-snin u ssib li jkollok tibdel drawwiet li mingħalik se jibqgħu miegħek għal dejjem. Hekk ġrali fl-aħħar ġimgħat. Kulmeta nattendi kungressi jew konferenzi jew ma nafx xiex aktar, dejjem għamilt minn kollox biex ma noqgħodx nilbes il-kartuna jew baġġ li jagħtuk biex izzomm imdendel minn għanqok ħalli tintgħaraf min int. Dejjem qiestha proċedura ta’


Tuna discards by traditional small

27 August 2014 E-006390-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Question: With reference to tuna fishing in the central Mediterranean and the contiguous areas, could the Commission specify the exact policy that is being, or should be, followed with regard to tuna discards resulting from the operations of traditional


Russian food imports embargo and support for SMEs in island and peripheral regions

25 August 2014 E-006346-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Question: Having regard to the Russian embargo on food imports from the EU and to the preparation and implementation by the Commission of countermeasures of support for European businesses hit by this embargo, — could the Commission ensure that