
San Girgor… Armata Ewropea… Pete Buttigieg

Kien ili ma ninżel Marsaxlokk waranofsinhar għal San Girgor. It-temp dis-sena ma tantx inzerta imma l-folla li nġabret xorta kienet ferreħija u fil-burdata li tieħu gost bla ma toqgħod tfettaq.

Press Releases

Crucial to elect MEPS defending Malta first and foremost

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said it is crucial for the Maltese and Gozitans to elect representatives who place Malta’s interests first and foremost at the forthcoming European elections.


Tentufiet Ewropej

Wieħed jiftakar il-kjass li sar fil-Parlament Ewropew u mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea dwar il-Pilatus Bank li ġie akkużat li ħasel u ħawwad trasferimenti ta’ ftit mijiet ta’ miljuni ta’ ewro. Saret


Social cases

Situations exist among families that seem to reflect not only the internal relations they hold, but also what happens in their surroundings – given the web of social relations they find

Press Releases

1000 Gozitans pursuing their studies at the University of Malta

Almost 1000 Gozitan young people are pursuing their studies at the University of Malta, one fifth of University’s population, Gozo University Group (GUG) officials told former Prime Minister


Regoli Ewropej… Strasburgu… Alan Garcia

Ħadd jew kważi f’Malta ma għandu idea ta’ xinhuma “covered bonds”. Aħna ma nużawhomx. F’pajjiżi bħall-Ġermanja, l-Italja u d-Danimarka servew għal sekli bħala mod kif jiġu finanzjati mingħajr