
Commission plans regarding the politicisation of administrator appointments within the Commission

13 October 2014 E-007844-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Commission plans regarding the politicisation of administrator appointments within the Commission Question(s) Having regard to complaints that are being made about the increasing politicisation of administrator appointments within the Commission, does the Commission have any plans to introduce


Complaints about nominations and appointments of Commission officials

13 October 2014 E-007843-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Complaints about nominations and appointments of Commission officials Question(s) 1. How many complaints has the Commission received regarding nominations and appointments of Commission officials since 2004? 2. How have these complaints been dealt with, and how many of


Stress test or similar review of the European Stability Mechanism

13 October 2014 P-007839-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Stress test or similar review of the European Stability Mechanism Questions 1. Have any stress tests or similar reviews been conducted of the European Stability Mechanism? 2. If so, could their results be made public? 3. If not,



Sal-aħħar ta’ din il-ġimgħa, l-logħba parlamentari li biha qed tiġi konfermata l-Kummissjoni Ewropea l-ġdida mmexxija minn Jean Claude Juncker kienet riesqa lejn tmiemha. Veru li kien baqa’ xi “trufijiet” x’jiġu maħlula, bħal fil-kaz tal-Kummissarju mis-Slovenja, imma l-aqwa skolli kienu ngħelbu. Personalment dejjem qiest li l-aqwa deċizjoni ttieħdet mill-bidu, bil-vot favur Juncker fil-Parlament Ewropew wara li


Current outsourcing of Commission services

6 October 2014 E-007575-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Current outsourcing of Commission services 1. Could the Commission provide a list of Commission services which are currently being outsourced to private entities? 2. Since when has each of these services been outsourced? 3. How were the relevant



Fil-Parlament Ewropew matul din il-ġimgħa quddiem il-kumitati tal-Parlament bdew jidhru l-Kummissarji l-ġodda li se jkunu membri tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea mmexxija minn Jean Claude Juncker. Kull laqgħa ddum tliet sigħat. Il-kummissarju l-ġdid j/tagħmel prezentazzjoni ta’ xi għaxar minuti fejn i/tfisser kif qed j/tara li d-dekasteri relattivi jistgħu jitmexxew. Imbagħad id-deputati prezenti (mhux kollha) jagħmlu mistoqsija ta’ minuta

Plenary and Committee Speeches

New Commission Hearings – Lord hill

Diverġenzi kbar żviluppaw bejn Stati Membri u reġjuni fi ħdan is-suq uniku Ewropew u ż-żona euro. Dawn wasslu għal mudelli ta’ vantaġġ kompetittiv differenti minn xulxin, li wħud minnhom jiddependu fuq il-kummerċ fis-servizzi. Numru ta’ territorji, anke minħabba d-daqs tagħhom, u għal uħud minnhom minħabba s-sitwazzjonijiet periferali tagħhom, żviluppaw kompetenza fil-forniment ta’ servizzi finanzjarji. Fost