
Russian food imports embargo and support for SMEs in island and peripheral regions

25 August 2014 E-006346-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Question: Having regard to the Russian embargo on food imports from the EU and to the preparation and implementation by the Commission of countermeasures of support for European businesses hit by this embargo, — could the Commission ensure that


EU state aid rules and national support for enterprises in zones close to civil strife or war

25 August 2014 E-006345-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Question: Trade and investment is being disrupted by acts of war and civil strife in territories close to the European Union (Ukraine, Libya), whilst SMEs in a number of Member States that have developed long-standing commercial relations with these


European response to Ebola

21 August 2014 E-006320-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Question: What steps have been, or are being, taken to establish an integrated European response to the Ebola epidemic, covering areas such as health policy, national security, humanitarian intervention, air transport and development cooperation with African countries at bilateral

Plenary and Committee Speeches

European Semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2014 priorities – Intervention in Debate – 21.1.2014

The truth is that the investment rate in the European Union had been decreasing well before the 2008 crisis. Following this crisis, stagnation continued to spread. The truth is that to reach higher levels of competitivity in order to create new jobs, we find ourselves in a system in which internal devaluation has become the most



Wara r-referendum tad-divorzju, qed jgħidulna li gonzi-pn jinsab fi kriżi ta’ identità. Il-partit kien ipproklama ruħu kontra d-divorzju bħala punt ta’ prinċipju. Il-mexxej tiegħu iddikjara li biex id-divorzju jidħol, ikun hemm bżonn ta’ referendum u dan inżamm. Matulu, saret ħaġa ċara li gonzi-pn eċċezzjonalment għal dal-partit, ma kienx magħqud fuq il-kwistjoni tad-divorzju. Il-poplu vvota favur.