
Il-Manuvri dwar Brexit

Kemm ilu li għadda r-referendum favur il-Brexit fir-Renju Unit, il-manuvrar ma qatax, kemm min-naħa tal-Ingliżi, kemm min-naħa tal-Ewropej, dwar kif se jsegwu n-negozjati biex ir-Renju Unit



Il-kontroversja għaddejja dwar it-traffiku qamet, m’hemmx għalfejn ngħidu, għax mat-tmiem tas-sajf, it-toroq qed jintużaw b’intensità akbar f’ħinijiet konċentrati tal-ġurnata: l-aktar meta

Press Releases

Concerns on Northern Ireland after Brexit

Marty McGuinnes, the deputy first Minister of Northern Ireland expressed his concerns about the future of Northern Ireland in the wake of the Brexit referendum result in a meeting with Maltese

Press Releases

Europe needs reforms fostering entrepreneurship

French Central Bank Governor, François Villeroy de Galhau told Maltese MEP Alfred Sant that Europe needs reforms fostering entrepreneurship and emphasised that trust is essential in the creation