

Possibbli ma tistax tinstab soluzzjoni għall-problema tan-nagħaġ ta’ Għawdex li nqabdu fil-liġijiet veterinarji u li jinsabu mhedda bil-forka? M’hemmx xi testijiet li jistgħu jsiru


Seminar on obesity

There is an emerging consensus that obesity is a public enemy of the first rank. It blights the life of people across Europe, young and old, rich and poor. It sustains diseases of the endemic


Seminar on homelessness

By rights, in the Europe of today, there should be no place for this meeting about homelessness. The latter should be an alien concept, one that refers to the state of affairs in some planet that

Press Releases

Malta needs more EU flexibility on its manufacturing sector

Malta needs a strategy shared by all, government, firms and unions, by which to present a common stand to argue in Europe for a more flexible treatment regarding Malta’s manufacturing