
Il-Mira ta’ Draghi

Il-President tal-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew, Mario Draghi, reġa’ jinsab fiċ-ċentru ta’ kontroversja ġdida dwar il-politika monetarja fiż-żona tal-ewro. L-aħħar statistika dwar l-andament ekonomiku u


Summit mat-Turkija

Il-kriżi tal-immigrazzjoni qed twassal lill-Ewropej biex jagħmlu affarijiet li żgur ma kinux jikkontemplaw li jagħmluhom sa ftit taż-żmien ilu. Xejn ma wera dan daqshekk fiċ-ċar bħas-summit li

Press Releases

Malta needs the best European solutions that suit it best

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said that the challenge now is to understand what the realities are and to push for the best European solutions that would also be best for Malta. From our



Xettiku ħafna dwar kemm se jintlaħaq ftehim sinjifikattiv u reali fis-summit li għaddej dwar il-klima f’Pariġi. Fix-xenarju ta’ kompetizzjoni globalizzata taħt is-sigla tas-suq ħieles,

Press Releases

Europe’s transport systems need public, not private solutions

In an explanation of vote before voting in favour of the report ‘Sustainable urban mobility’ at the European Parliament in Brussels, Maltese MEP Alfred Sant said that the emphasis on public

Press Releases

Alfred Sant supports ’women-on-boards directive’

Maltese MEP Alfred Sant spoke in favour of the proposed ‘women-on-boards directive’ in a written vote of explanation at the European Parliament in Brussels. Dr. Sant, was commenting