Maltese MEP Alfred Sant together with three other MEPs from Germany, France and Finland have called on the European Commission to clarify its position on the European Digital Strategy and transparency on the work of the EU Observatory. Alfred Sant together with Jakob von Weizsäcker, German MEP (S&D), Pervenche Berès, French MEP (S&D) and Sirpa Pietikäinen, Finish MEP (EPP) have addressed a joint letter to European Commissioner in charge of Digital Economy and Society Ms Mariya Gabriel and to the European Commissioner for Digital Single Market and Vice President of the European Commission, Mr Andrus Ansip.
Dr Sant’s initiative supports the Maltese Government’s policy to implement a framework regarding cryptocurrencies, blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) marking it as one of the first jurisdictions in the world to pass specific legislation in this area.
The four MEPs asked the EC for more information on the regulatory priorities and its intentions to keep its strategy always up to date to the digital/technological developments. The MEPs want the Commission ensure that its digital expertise is on par with the expertise available in the tech sector and asked for more information on the appropriate financial resources allocated to the digital society. They also asked for more clarity and transparency on the work of the EU Observatory and noted that the European Parliament should be updated on all work/activities carried out by the EU Blockchain observant.
The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum is expected to play an active role in helping Europe to seize new opportunities offered by blockchain, build expertise and show leadership in the field. It will be gathering information, monitoring and analysing trends, addressing challenges and exploring blockchains’ socio-economic potential. It will enable cross border cooperation on practical use cases, bringing Europe’s best experts together and promoting an open forum for blockchain technologists, innovators, citizens, industry stakeholders, public authorities, regulators and supervisors, to discuss and develop new ideas in order to learn, engage and contribute in an open way.

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Alfred Sant u tliet MEPs mill-Ġermanja, Franza u l-Finlandja talbu lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea tiċċara l-pożizzjoni tagħha dwar l-Istrateġija Diġitali Ewropea u talbu aktar trasparenza fuq il-ħidma tal-‘EU Observatory’. Flimkien ma’ Jakob von Weizsäcker, MEP Ġermaniż (S&D), Pervenche Berès, MEP Franċiża (S&D) u Sirpa Pietikäinen, MEP Finlandiża (EPP) bagħat ittra konġunta lill-Kummissarju inkarigata mill-Ekonomija Diġitali u s-Soċjeta` Mariya Gabriel u lill-Kummissarju għas-Suq Wieħed Diġitali u Viċi-President tal-KE Andrus Ansip.
L-inizjattiva ta’ Afred Sant qed issir b’appoġġ għall-politika tal-Gvern Malti biex jimplimenta qafas dwar ‘crypto currencies’, ‘blockchain’ u ‘Distributed ledger technology (DLT)’ biex Malta tkun waħda mill-ewwel ġurisdizzjonijiet fid-dinja biex tilleġisla f’dan il-qasam.
L-erba’ MEPs talbu lill-KE tinformahom xinhuma l-prijoritajiet regolatorji u talbu wkoll informazzjoni kif il-Kummissjoni se taġġorna l-istrateġija dwar l-iżviluppi diġitali u teknologiċi. L-MEPs jixtiequ l-Kummissjoni tiżgura li l-kompetenzi diġitali tagħha huma kompatibbli mal-iżviluppi fis-settur teknoloġiku. Talbu lill-KE tagħrif dwar ir-risorsi finanzjarji allokati għas-soċjeta` diġitali. Talbu aktar trasparenza tal-ħidma tal-‘EU Observatory’ u innotaw li l-Parlament Ewropew għandu jkun aġġornat fuq il-ħidma tal-osservatur tal-UE dwar il-‘Blockchain’.
L-‘EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum’ mistenni jkollu rwol attiv biex jgħin l-Ewropa taħtaf opportunitajiet ġodda mill-‘blockchain’ u juri tmexxija f’dan il-qasam. Tiġbor tagħrif, monitoraġġ u analiżi, tindirizza l-isfidi u tesplora l-potenzjal soċjo-ekonomiku tal-‘blockchains’. Tippermetti koperazzjoni mal-istati tal-UE u tlaqqa’ l-aqwa esperti u tħajjar teknoloġisti, innovaturi, ċittadini, stakeholders fl-industrija, awtoritajiet pubbliċi, regolaturi biex jiżviluppaw ideat ġodda.


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