Former Prime Minister and MEP Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that in the framework of a European policy on legal migration, efforts to exercise vigilance at the frontiers and to regulate the granting of asylum would become more effective. Sant said that unfortunately, there has been least progress in the development of such a common policy on legal migration. Yet this is an area where the call for more Europe makes most sense. Up to now it has been the President of European Parliament Martin Schulz who has given the greatest recognition to such a priority.

Alfred Sant said there needs to be introduced a common policy regarding legal immigration to the Union, one that satisfies the demands for more workers in certain member states and reflects the different economic requirements of others. Such a policy would be able to channel the demand for economic migration coming from outside the Union and would help to calibrate policies to exercise vigilance at frontiers. It would offer a rational and humane approach to the huge personal problems created by any form of mass migration.

Alfred Sant said there should be effective vigilance at the Union’s frontiers. A lot remains to be done in this field. The countries at the Union’s frontiers by themselves are not succeeding to cope with the problems. Meanwhile, the common effort that has been undertaken in this regard is still insufficient.

The Maltese europarliamentarian said we need to have an asylum policy that in its formulation and implementation is comprehensive, up to date and well co-ordinated. Significant steps in this direction have been taken but again, a lot remains to be done especially by way of burden sharing.

Alfred Sant said that in dealing with the movement of people coming to live in Europe, these factors have to be developed in step with each other if we are to face coherently the challenges that are leading signficant numbers of people to move to our midst. We need too to remain coherent with the values that constitute Europe.

Maltese Version


Alfred Sant qal lill-Parlament Ewropew li hu f’qafas ta’ politika Ewropea għal migrazzjoni legali li l-isforzi biex titħaddem il-viġilanza fil-fruntieri u biex l-asil ikun regolat jistgħu jsiru aktar effettivi. B’xorti ħazina, l-anqas li ġiet zviluppata sa issa, kienet din il-politika komuni dwar l-immigrazzjoni legali, anke jekk dan hu qasam fejn l-għajta ta’ aktar Ewropa l-aktar li jagħmel sens. Sa issa, kien biss il-President tal-Parlament Ewropew Martin Schulz li l-aktar ta għarfien lil din il-priorità.

L-ewroparlamentari Malti qal li għandha tiddaħħal politika komuni dwar immigrazzjoni legali fl-Unjoni li tissodisfa t-talba għal aktar ħaddiema f’ċerti pajjizi membri u li tirrifletti bzonnijiet ekonomiċi differenti f’pajjizi membri oħra. Politika bħal din tkun tista’ tikkanalizza t-talba għal immigrazzjoni ekonomika minn barra l-Unjoni u tgħin fl-ikkalibrar tal-politika ta’ viġilanza mal-fruntieri. Toffri qafas razzjonali u ħanin għall-problemi umani kbar li tirraprezenta kwalunkwe forma ta’ migrazjoni.

Alfred Sant qal li irid ikun hemm viġilanza serja mal-fruntieri tal-Unjoni. Għad baqa’ ħafna xi jsir f’dal-qasam. Il-pajjizi li jinsabu fil-fruntiera tal-Unjoni waħidhom mhux jirnexxielhom ilaħħqu mal-problemi. L-isforz komuni sadattant għadu mhux bizzejjed.

Jeħtieġ politika ta’ għoti u tħaddim ta’ azil li tkun komprensiva, aġġornata u kkordinata sew. Saru passi siewja f’dan is-sens imma baqa’ ħafna xi jsir speċjalment fil-mod kif il-piżijiet jitqassmu bejn pajjiżi membri.

Huwa qal li biex popli minn barra l-Ewropa jitħallew jiġu jgħixu fiha dawn il-fatturi jridu jiġu zviluppati flimkien jekk se naffaċċjaw b’mod koerenti l-isfidi li qed iwasslu biex ikun hemm ċaqliq qawwi ta’ popolazzjonijiiet lejna. U rridu nżommu koerenti wkoll mal-valuri li jikkostitwixxu l-Ewropa, temm jgħid Dr.Sant.

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