Former Prime Minister and Maltese MEP Alfred Sant will address Gozo’s challenges in Europe during a Conference on ‘The future of Gozo in Europe’ on Friday 8 March at 6:30pm at the Grand Hotel, Mġarr, Gozo The Conference will discuss funds available for Gozo in the European Budget 2021-2027, projects in Gozo co-funded by the EU, connectivity between Gozo, Malta and Europe, sustainable tourism in Gozo.,Gozo’s ‘brain drain’, the need to attract foreign investiment in Gozo,the proposed Regional Authority for Gozo and bird trapping and hunting in Gozo among other subjects.

Political commentator Emanuel Cuschieri will also address the Conference.

The future of Gozo in Europe’ is being organised by the Gozo Office of MEP Alfred Sant with the collaboration of S&D. Conference moderator is Dr Christian Zammit. Gozitans are being invited and participate in this Conference. No pre-booking is needed. However, those who need further information can contact Dr Sant’s Office on email address or phone number 21490705.

A reception will follow the Conference.


Alfred Sant se jitkellem dwar l-isfidi ta’ Għawdex fl-Ewropa waqt Konferenza bit-tema ‘L-isfidi ta’ Għawdex fl-Ewropa’ fil-Grand Hotel, l-Imġarr, Għawdex nhar il-Ġimgħa 8 ta’ Marzu fis-6.30pm. Il-Konferenza se tiddiskuti x’sehem jista’ jkollu Għawdex mill-Budget Ewropew (2021-2027), turiżmu sostenibbli għal Għawdex, il-problema tal-‘brain drain’ f’Għawdex, il-bżonn ta’ investment barrani f’Għawdex, il-proposta tal-Awtorita` Reġjonali għal Għawdex, il-kaċċa u l-insib f’Għawdex.

Il-kummentatur politiku Emanuel Cuschieri se jindirizza wkoll il-Konferenza.

‘Il-futur ta’ Għawdex fl-Ewropa’ qed tkun organizzata mill-Uffiċċju ta’ Għawdex tal-MEP Alfred Sant bl-kollaborazzjoni tal-Grupp tas-Soċjalisti u Demokratiċi Ewropej (S&D). Il-moderatur tal-Konferenza se jkun Dr Christian Zammit. Il-pubbliku mistieden jipparteċipa fil-Konferenza. M’hemmx għalfejn wieħed jibbukkja minn qabel. Dħul b’xejn. Dawk li jixtiequ aktar informazzjoni jistgħu jikkuntattjaw l-Uffiċċju ta’ Alfred Sant fuq jew iċemplu 21490705.
Ikun hemm riċeviment wara l-Konferenza.

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