Malta & the euro (3) is a new bi-lingual publication by former Prime Minister and Maltese MEP Alfred Sant which provides a Maltese perspective of developments as they unfolded within the eurozone between 2015 and the end of the Maltese Presidency of the EU in mid-2017. The third volume features the lastest dramatic chapter of the Greek crisis, the efforts to bolster economic growth in Europe, the impact of Brexit on the eurozone and the debates about the eurozone’s future now that the years of crisis seem to be over. The first and second volume of Malta & the Euro were sold out within a few weeks and the publishers had to reprint both editions to meet the demand.

“This book should serve as an indispensable tool for Maltese students and common citizens wishing to understand the factors that condition the performance of their national currency.” said a spokesperson for SKS Publishers.

During the period covered in this book, the European Union had to deal with new and very important critical issues that effectively put eurozone problems in the shade. Among other crises, there were those caused by immigration, the quarrel with Russia over the Ukraine, Jihadi terrorism and Brexit.

“The euro is our national currency so that all Maltese and all Gozitans have a direct interest in following what is happening. Although the 2008 crisis appears to be over, divisions are emerging within the eurozone between parts that are diverging economically and socially from each other, so that an essential challenge has become that of determining how this dangerous divergence can be overcome. New structures for the management of the eurozone should not be introduced to the detriment of the interests of its smaller member states. Still on the table and so it will remain is the question: in order to improve the management of the eurozone, will it be necessary to introduce structures and rules that will inevitably be of a federal nature?” remarks the Maltese MEP.

The publication also includes a story line of the facts related to the introduction, development and turbulences of the Euro between 1997 and June 2017. As with the previous two books in this series, Malta & the euro (3) continues with the coverage, from a Maltese perspective, of developments unfolding within the eurozone. The first two publications examined the period between 2008 and March 2015 – running from the start of the 2008 euro crisis to the point when matters had calmed down (except for the Greek “problem”). However the European economy then still seemed to languish. The timeline in the third volume starts with the last phase (as of now) of the Greek crisis, proceeds to the British referendum on Brexit, and brings us to a period when the European economy seems to be well on the way to recovery, even if deep social problems persist.

The book will be launched at the FORTRESS BUILDERS, Valletta on Friday 13 October at 7pm. Dr Sant will be the main speaker at the launch and will be interviewed by journalist Antoinette Falzon. The public is invited to attend. A reception will follow the launch. Entrance is free. The book will be selling at €10 from leading booksellers.


Malta u l-Ewro (3) huwa ktieb ġdid bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż li fih Alfred Sant jagħti perspettiva Maltija għall-iżviluppi fiż-żona ewro bejn 2015 u t-tmiem tal-Presidenza Maltija tal-Unjoni Ewropea f’Ġunju 2017. Dan it-tielet volum tal-ktieb jittratta l-kriżi Griega, l-isforzi biex tikber l-ekonomija fl-Ewropa, l-impatt tal-Brexit fuq iż-żona ewro u d-dibattiti dwar il-futur tal-ewro issa li s-snin ta’ kriżi jidhru li għaddew. L-ewwel u t-tieni volum ta’ Malta u l-Ewro kienu inbigħu fi ftit ġimgħat tant li l-pubblikaturi kellhom jistampaw mill-ġdid iż-żewġ edizzjonijiet biex ilaħħqu mad-domanda.

“Dan il-volum huwa indispensabbli għall-istduenti Maltin u ċ-ċittadini Maltin li jixtiequ jifhmu l-fatturi li ikkundizzjonaw il-munita nazzjonali tagħna”, qalet SKS li ippubblikat dal-ktieb.

Matul iż-żmien analizzat f’dal-ktieb, effettivament l-Unjoni Ewropea kellha taffaċċja kriżijiet ġodda u qawwija li tfew il-problemi li setgħu qed idejqu l-munita tal-ewro. Fost oħrajn, inqalgħu l-kriżijiet tal-immigrazzjoni; tat-tilwima mar-Russja dwar l-Ukrajna; tat-terroriżmu Ġiħadi; tal-Brexit.

“L-ewro hi l-munita nazzjonali tagħna, u l-Maltin u l-Għawdxin għandhom kull interess li jsegwu xinhu jiġri minnha. Għalkemm il-kriżi tal-2008 tidher li hi mirbuħa, iż-żona tal-ewro qed tinqasam f’partijiet li ekonomikament u soċjalment qed jitbiegħdu minn xulxin, hekk li l-isfida essenzjali saret kif din id-diverġenza perikoluża se tingħeleb. Strutturi ġodda ta’ tmexxija fiż-żona tal-ewro m’għandhomx jiddaħħlu a skapitu tal-interessi tal-pajjiżi żgħar membri tagħha. Għadha u se tibqa’ fuq il-mejda l-mistoqsija dwar jekk – biex titjieb it-tmexxija taż-żona tal-ewro – humiex se jiddaħħlu strutturi u regoli li jkunu bilfors ta’ natura federali,” jistqarr Alfred Sant fil-ktieb.

Il-ktieb jinkludi il-fatti dwar l-introduzzjoni, l-iżvilupp u l-inkwiet li iffaċċjat l-ewro bejn 1997 u nofs 2017. L-ewwel żewġ volumi eżaminaw il-perijodu 2008 u Marzu 2015. It-tielet volum jibda bl-aħħar fażi tal-kriżi Griega, jimxi sar-Referendum tal-Brexit u jressaqna lejn iż-żminijiet fejn l-ekonomija Ewropea bdiet tirpilja, minkejja l-problema soċjali li għadhom jippersistu.

Il-ktieb se jitnieda fil-FORTRESS BUILDERS, Valletta l-Ġimgħa 13 ta’ Ottubru fis-7pm. Alfred Sant se jkun il-kelliemi ewlieni u jkun intervistat minn Antoinette Falzon. Il-pubbliku mistieden jattendi. Dħul b’xejn u jkun hemm riċeviment. Il-ktieb se jinbigħ €10 mill-ħwienet tal-kotba ewlenin.

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