Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant will be a keynote speaker in a Summit commemorating the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in the German capital. Berlin Wall 30 – From the Divided to the City of Freedom: The 30th Anniversary for the Fall of the Wall, organized by the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, will include the participation of senior politicians representing 150 states, leading political theorists, religious leaders, executives of major corporations, chief diplomats, and celebrated artists travelling to Berlin from all corners of the world.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th, 1989 was an epic event that led to major historical changes in the world’s political, economic and cultural landscape. In the tumultuous aftermath, the world has witnessed the emergence of dozens of new States in Eastern Europe and significant transformations in other continents that paved the foundation and laid the new order of the world we live in today. On November 9th, 2019 the world will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall and all eyes will fall again on the German capital.

The Summit will be held between 6-19 November 2019.


L-ex Prim Ministru Alfred Sant se jkun kelliem ewlieni f’Summit f’għeluq it-tletin sena mill-waqgħa tal-ħajt ta’ Berlin fil-kapitali Ġermaniża. Is-Summit, organizzat mill-Akkademja għad-Diplomazija Kulturali, se jkun indirizzat minn politiċi ewlenin minn 150 stat, mexxejja reliġjużi, kapijiet ta’ korporazzjonijiet ewlenin, diplomatiċi u artisti ċelebri minn kull rokna tad-dinja.

Fid-9 ta’ Novembru għajnejn id-dinja se tkun fuq Berlin. Il-waqgħa tal-ħajt ta’ Berlin fid-9 ta’ Novembru 1989 kienet ġrajja epika li bidlet l-oqsma politiċi, ekonomiċi u kulturali tad-dinja. Kienu faqqsu tużżani ta’ stati ġodda fil-Lvant tal-Ewropa u kien hemm trasformazzjonijiet sinjifikanti fil-kontinenti l-oħra li fasslu s-sisien tas-soċjetà Ii ngħixu fiha llum.

Is-Summit Berlin Wall 30 – From the Divided to the City of Freedom: The 30th Anniversary for the Fall of the Wall se jsir f’Berlin bejn 6-19 November 2019.

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