Maltese MEP Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that in the coming weeks, a detailed agenda for the upcoming negotiations on Brexit should be set out and followed, in which the big strategic decisions that need to be taken are prioritised and cleared. Dr Sant, commenting on the motion ‘State of play of negotiations with the United Kingdom’, expressed his satisfaction that Brexit negotiations have been certified to be making close to satisfactory progress.
“Now, talks may start on the phase that deals with the future relationship between the EU and the UK. However the reality is that huge uncertainties still exist about how such a framework will shape up. Families and companies will not be able to make plans on the basis of the terms of the divorce deal reached last week, but on the basis of how the EU and the UK will work together. The time left for this to be settled is extremely short. Although a transitional arrangement of two years may be put into place, this will not really ease the problems faced by those who need to have a planning horizon that allows scope for informed decision making over the long-term. The negotiating methods that the two sides have adopted account for this less than desirable outcome, which is in the interest of neither side.” Remarked the Maltese MEP.
The resolution was passed by 556 votes to 62, with 68 abstentions.


Fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin għandha titħejja aġenda dettaljata dwar in-negozjati futuri tal-Brexit u deċiżjonijiet strateġiċi għandhom jingħataw prijorita`, qal Alfred Sant fil-Parlament Ewropew meta kkummenta dwar il-mozzjoni ‘Is-Sitwazzjoni attwali tan-negozjati mar-Renju Unit’.
Dr Sant esprima s-sodisfazzjon li n-negozjati tal-Brexit qed jagħmlu progess sodisfaċenti.
“Issa jistgħu jibdew it-taħdidiet fuq il-fażi li titratta r-relazzjoni futura bejn l-UE u r-Renju Unit. Iżda r-realta` hi li jeżistu inċertezzi kbar dwar il-qafas ta’ dawn ir-relazzjonijiet. Familji u kumpaniji mhux se jkunu jistgħu jagħmlu pjanijiet fuq il-bażi tat-termini ta’ divorzju li ntlaħqu l-ġimgħa l-oħra – dawn se jkunu jistgħu jagħmlu pjanijiet biss fuq kif l-UE u r-Renju Unit se jkunu qed jaħdmu flimkien. Iż-żmien biex dan jintlaħaq huwa qasir ħafna. Għalkemm jista’ jsir arranġament tranżitorju ta’ sentejn, dan mhux se jnaqqas mill-problemi li qed jaffaċċjaw dawk li għandhom bżonn jippjanaw id-deċiżjonijiet tagħhom għal futur b’mod informat. Il-metodi ta’ negozjar li ż-żewġ naħat addottaw wasslu għal din is-sitwazzjoni xejn mixtieqa, u li m’hi fl-interess ta’ ħadd.” saħaq Dr Sant.
Ir-riżoluzzjoni għaddiet b’556 voti favur, 62 kontra, u 68 astenzjoni.

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