Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said that should the alleged money laundering by the PN be raised at the European Parliament, MEPs would believe that the PN and its Leader lack integrity and honesty. Dr Sant said that for someone like him who is a member of the European Parliament, a big dilemma arose once the scandal burst about the alleged money laundering by the PN, which is in flagrant violation of the law regarding party financing.
“Should the PN’s own example be followed, so that in all arising opportunities within meetings of the European Parliament, the issues raised by this scandal are highlighted? To do so, one could follow a number of models. Like for instance, the treatment meted out to Toni Abela, driven by an underhand and extremely vicious campaign. Or should one adopt the approach followed with regard to Leo Brincat, comprising open and underground personal attacks? A third way would be to copy how PN representatives have behaved in the European Parliament committee that is dealing with the scandal of the Panama papers.”
Dr Sant said that all three models would be quite effective in showing how rightly or wrongly, the PN, and mostly its leader, lack all integrity and honesty. MEPs would immediately believe this. And why bother about the problem that along with the PN and its leader, the reputation of the country as a whole will suffer? As it happens, both the party and its leader never seemed to consider this a problem, remarked Dr Sant.


Alfred Sant, Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Laburista fil-Parlament Ewropew, qal li d-Deputati Ewropej fil-Parlament Ewropej se jemmnu li l-Partit Nazzjonalista u l-Kap tiegħu mhumiex integri u mhumiex onesti meta jsiru jafu aktar dwar l-iskandlu tal-ħasil ta’ flus mill-PN.
“Qamet dilemma kbira għal min jinsab bħali fil-Parlament Ewropew wara li ħareġ fil-beraħ l-iskandlu tal-allegat ħasil ta’ flus mill-PN, bi ksur lampanti tal-liġi dwar il-finanzjament tal-partiti. Għandu jsir kif sar mill-PN innifsu, u f’kull opportunitá li tinqala’ fil-laqgħat tal-Parlament Ewropew, wieħed iqajjem dan l-iskandlu?”
Dr Sant qal li hemm numru ta’ mudelli li wieħed jista’ jsegwi waqt li jagħmel dan. Il-mudell ta’ kif ġie ttrattat Toni Abela, b’kampanja minn taħt u kollha ħdura. Il-mudell ta’ kif ġie trattat Leo Brincat, b’attakki fil-miftuħ u minn taħt. Jew il-mudell ta’ kif rappreżentanti tal-PN ġabu ruħhom fil-kumitat tal-Parlament Ewropew dwar l-iskandlu tal-karti tal-Panama. It-tliet mudelli huma effettivi ħafna biex juru lill-PN u fuq kollox il-mexxej tiegħu, bħala nieqsa mill-integritá u l-onestá. Id-deputati Ewropej se jemmnu dil-ħaġa minnufih.
“Ħalliha l-problema li mal-PN u l-mexxej tiegħu, se titqagħbar ukoll il-fama tal-pajjiż. Imma la t-tnejn li huma qatt ma qisuha dil-ħaġa bħala problema…?” irrimarka Dr Sant.

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