Maltese MEP Alfred Sant has abstained on the Report ‘State of play of recreational fisheries in the EU’, which asks the Commission to analyse the sector of recreational fisheries in order to regularise it. The Maltese MEP said he was abstaining on this vote because there is no single agreed clear definition of recreational fishing at EU level. This is remarked in various references found throughout the same Report.
Dr Sant said that due attention and flexibility in the context of the diverse characteristics of fishing communities in Europe are to be provided. This must act as an indispensable principle for any possible regularisation of the sector.
“It is risky to discuss and give recommendations on the topic without having a clearly defined subject. Current calculations point towards an estimation of between 8.7 and 9 million recreational fishermen in the EU, representing 1.6% of the European population. I recognise the need to protect endangered species, and to control harmful fishing practices. Nevertheless, if it is decided that EU-level control on recreational fishing is necessary, it will be of the utmost importance that a regulatory approach would give due consideration to the socioeconomic features of the recreational fisheries sector.” remarked Dr Sant.
The Report passed with 601 votes in favour, 43 against and 27 abstentions.


Fil-Parlament Ewropew Alfred Sant astjena fuq ir-rapport ‘L-istat attwali tas-sajd rikreattiv fl-Unjoni Ewropea’, li jitlob lil Kummissjoni Ewropea tanalizza s-settur tas-sajd rikreattiv għal fini ta’ regolarizzazzjoni. Dr Sant qal li kien qed jastjeni f’dan il-vot għaliex ma hemmx definizzjoni ċara u li kulħadd jaqbel dwarha fuq is-sajd rikreattiv f’livell Ewropew. Dan jissemma f’diversi referenzi li hemm fl-istess rapport.
Dr Sant qal li għandha tingħata l-attenzjoni meħtieġa u l-flessibilita` dovuta minħabba l-karatteristiċi diversi li jeżistu fil-komunitajiet tas-sajd fl-Ewropa. Dan il-fatt għandu jservi ta’ prinċipju li fuqu sserraħ kwalunkwe regolarizzazzjoni possibbli fis-settur.

“Huwa riskjuż li wieħed jiddiskuti u jagħti r-rakkomandazzjonijiet dwar suġġett mingħajr definizzjoni ċara. Il-kalkoli attwali jindikaw stima ta’ bejn 8.7 u 9 miljun sajjied rikreattiv fl-UE, li jirrappreżentaw 1.6% tal-popolazzjoni Ewropea. Nirrikonoxxi l-ħtieġa għal protezzjoni ta’ speċi li qegħdin fil-periklu u li jkunu kkontrollati prattiċi tas-sajd li huma ta’ dannu. Madanakollu jekk jiġi deċiż li l-kontroll fuq is-sajd rikreattiv fl-UE huwa neċessarju, jkun ta’ importanza kbira li qafas regolatorju jikkunsidra b’mod xieraq il-karatteristiċi soċjo-ekonomiċi tas-settur tas-sajd rikreattiv.” qal Dr Sant.
Ir-rapport ġie approvat b’601 voti favur, 43 kontra u 27 astensjoni.

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