Labour MEP and Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that the approach to the militarisation of the EU is unwise and likely in future to provoke new crises.
“We are getting the impression that the proposed militarization of the EU is part of a hasty response to overcome any future temptation of the Brexit kind by creating a “defence” anchor for European unity. The argument that the EU should carry a defence component has not been convincingly articulated, nor even contrasted with the option of setting up an autonomous European joint defence structure”, argued the Maltese MEP when explaining why he abstained on the Resolution ‘Establishing the European Defence Fund.’
The Maltese MEP said the concept of the European Defence Fund is beginning to sound like a Trojan horse for the militarization of the EU project. This will divert investment funds from “civilian” to defence objectives just as the Union faces a budgetary crunch. A fundamental purpose seems to be that of subsidizing the establishment of a continental military-industrial complex.
“True, by promoting continental economies of scale in arms procurement and research, the Fund would also provide new stimuli for arms industries to become more competitive and innovative due to the eventual harmonisation of weapons systems used by national armies. But similar arguments would apply for investment in non-defence sectors – AIl or basic sciences research. The appetite for this has been less than evident.”
The Resolution was adopted with 337 votes in favour, 178 votes against and 109 abstentions.


Il-Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Maltija Laburista fil-Parlament Ewropew Alfred Sant qal li l-metodu li qed jintuża għall-militarizzazzjoni tal-UE mhux għaqli u probabbli joħloq kriżijiet ġodda fil-futur.
“Qed nieħdu l-impressjoni li l-militarizzazzjoni tal-UE proposta hija tweġiba mgħaġġla biex jingħelbu t-tentazzjonijiet li jerġa’ jsir xi ħaġa simili għal Brexit billi qed tinħoloq ankra – dik tad-difiża – li żżomm l-għaqda Ewropea. L-argument li l-UE għandu jkollha komponent ta’ difiża ma ġiex artikolat biżżejjed b’mod konvinċenti. Dan l-argument l-anqas ma ġie ikkontrastat bl-għażla li titwaqqaf struttura ta’ difiża konġunta Ewropea awtonoma.” qal Alfred Sant meta spjega għaliex kien qed jastjeni fuq ir-riżoluzzjoni “It-Twaqqif ta’ Fond ta’ Difiża Ewropea”.
Dr Sant qal li l-kunċett tal-Fond ta’ Difiża Ewropea qed jibda jinstema li hu xi żiemel Trojan għal militarizzazzjoni tal-proġett Ewropew. Dan jiddevja l-fondi ta’ investiment minn għanijiet “ċivili” ta’ difiża issa meta l-Unjoni qed taffaċċja tnaqqis fil-baġit tagħha. Għan fundamentali jidher li hu l-issussidjar ta’ kumpless militari-industrijali u kontinentali.
“Veru, jekk nippromwovu economies of scale fl-akkwist tal-armi u r-riċerka, il-fond jistimola aktar l-industrija tal-armi biex issir aktar kompetittiva u innovattiva minħabba l-armonizzazzjoni tas-sistemi eventwali użati mill-armati nazzjonali. Imma argumenti simili jkunu applikati għall-investiment f’setturi li mhumiex tad-difiża – kollha jew dawk ta’ riċerka ta’ xjenzi bażiċi. L-aptit għal din il-ħaġa hija inqas minn evidenti.”
Ir-riżoluzzjoni ġiet addottat b’337 voti favur, 178 voti kontra u 109 astenzjoni.

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