Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said that whatever changes or confirmation to rules of current practices on how political funds from the centre percolate to the national systems across the EU state members must be decided rigorously, transparently and democratically. Dr Sant, during an explanation of vote in favour of a resolution on the funding of European political parties and foundations at the European Parliament, said that still, an essential component remains national campaigns, through established national parties and foundations.

Recent and numerous scandals and suspicions of misuse of funds have reopened the debate on the framework for political parties’ financing. The European Commission is being encouraged to take a closer look at all the shortcomings and to propose a revision of the regulations as soon as possible.

“My vote on this resolution is qualified by the belief that the financing of pan-European parties through central EU funds needs greater discussion and salience. It should not be carried out on its own but must be linked to a wider consideration of other forms of political financing under EU aegis, including remuneration and operating allowances available to MEPs. The aim would be to achieve the greatest transparency and accountability right through. Otherwise, scandals and suspicions of misuse of funds will continue to prevail as happened recently with various MEPs and national parties in different member states, including the Nationalist Party in Malta,” remarked the Maltese MEP.

A report by journalists of ‘Investigative Reporting Denmark’ noted that the offices of 249 MEPs are nowhere to be found. They believe that some of this money may be being misused. A series of investigations carried out in all 28 member states revealed at least 42 cases in which MEPs are paying rent to their national political parties or even into their own personal accounts. In 249 cases, the MEPs declared that they did not have an office, refused to give the address, or the office could not be found, according to the investigation. The report noted that in Germany, MEPs of various political parties personally owned the buildings in which their national offices were located. These allegedly include Manfred Weber, the chair of the EPP group.


Il-Kap tad-Delgazzjoni Laburista fil-Parlament Ewropew qal li tibdil jew tisħiħ tar-regoli preżenti ta’ kif fondi politiċi jiffiltraw fis-sistemi nazzjonali tal-istati membri tal-UE għandhom jiġu deċiżi b’mod rigoruż, bi trasparenza u b’mod demokratiku. Element essenzjali huwa l-kampanji nazzjonali, permezz ta’ partiti u fondazzjonijiet nazzjonali, saħaq Dr Sant meta spjega l-vot tiegħu favur riżoluzzjoni dwar il-finanzjament tal-partiti politiċi fil-Parlament Ewropew.

Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea qed tgħarbel in-nuqqasijiet u tipproponi reviżjoni tar-regoli wara għadd ta’ skandli u suspetti dwar użu ħażin ta’ fondi fil-qafas tal-finanzjament tal-partiti.

“Il-vot tiegħi favur din ir-riżoluzzjoni huwa ispirat mit-twemmin li l-finanzjament tal-partiti politiċi Ewropej permezz ta’ fondi ċentrali Ewropej jeħtieġu aktar diskussjoni u prominenza. Id-diskussjoni għandha tintrabat ma’ kunsiderazzjonijiet aktar wiesgħa ta’ forom oħra ta’ finanzjamenti mill-Unjoni Ewropea. Dan biex tinkiseb aktar trasparenza u kontabilita` mill-bidu sal-aħħar. Inkella, skandli u suspetti dwar użu ħażin ta’ fondi se jkomplu jipprevalu, kif ġara ftit ilu lil numru ta’ Ewroparlamentari u partiti politiċi nazzjonali f’diversi stati membri, inkluż lill-Partit Nazzjonalista f’Malta,” saħaq Dr Sant.

Rapport mill-ġurnalisti ta’ ‘Investigative Reporting Denmark’ żvela kif l-uffiċċji ta’ 249 Ewroparlamentari ma nstabux. Il-ġurnalisti jemmnu li wħud minn dawn il-flejjes mhux jintużaw tajjeb. Numru ta’ investigazzjonijiet li saru fit-28 stat membru juru kif fi 42 każ l-Ewroparlamentari qed iħallsu l-kera lil partiti politiċi tagħhom jew lil kontijiet personali tagħhom. Mill-investigazzjoni nstab li f’249 każ, l-Ewroparlamentari ddikjaraw li ma kellhomx uffiċċju, irrifjutaw li jagħtu l-indirizz tal-uffiċċju, jew l-uffiċċju ma setax jinstab. Ir-rapport żvela kif fil-Ġermanja, Ewroparlamentari minn partiti politiċi differenti kienu s-sidien tal-bini li fihom kellhom l-uffiċċji nazzjonali tagħhom. Allegatament fosthom hemm Manfred Weber, iċ-ċermen tal-Grupp tal-EPP.

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