The European Commission has approved a Preparatory Action Plan proposed by Maltese MEP Alfred Sant to make islands within the European Union front-runners on clean energy transition and showcase solutions to this end at European level. The Commission has published the first interim report on the implementation of the Preparatory Action Plan on this project. This project, if successful, can become a permanent EU instrument. The ultimate aim of this project is to help islands to move to the production of electricity from local clean energy sources and to become autonomous, to the greatest possible extent, in energy supply. The report was proposed last August by the Maltese MEP with the support of S&D Croatian MEP Tonino Picula and S&D Italian (Sicilian) MEP Michela Giuffrida.

The Commission has just published the first interim report for the Pilot projects and Preparatory actions that have been approved for the EU Budget 2017 which includes the Preparatory action on the document “Strengthening cooperation on climate action among islands within and beyond the EU through the creation of an island identity within the Global Covenant of Mayors”. The Action was approved as part of the 2017 Budget. This will be implemented on a two year term.

The Commission will work in close co-operation with core Member States and islands’ local authorities with the aim of implementing the initiative forward. A European Energy Islands Forum will be established in order to showcase advances, encourage networking, share experiences and transfer knowledge and know-how to the islands themselves. The Forum will also allow technology providers to reach potential clients.

The Commission is expected to publish a second report with the Draft Budget (DB) 2018.


Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea approvat pjan preparatorju mressaq mill-MEP Malti Alfred Sant biex gżejjer fi stati membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea jkunu minn ta’ quddiem biex jagħmlu l-bidla lejn il-ħolqien ta’ enerġija nadifa u juru s-soluzzjonijiet tagħhom fuq livell Ewropew. Il-KE ppubblikat l-ewwel rapport fuq l-implimentazzjoni ta’ ‘Azzjoni Preparatorja’ biex il-gżejjer jibdew jipproduċu l-elettriku tagħhom minn sorsi nodfa u jsiru awtonomi kemm jistgħu fil-provvista tal-enerġija. Jekk jirnexxi dan il-proġett isir strument permanenti tal-UE. Il-proġett kien propost f’Awwissu li għadda minn Dr Sant bl-appoġġ tal-Ewroparlamentari Kroat Tonino Picula (S&D) u l-Ewroparlamentari Sqalli Michele Giuffrida (S&D).

Il-Kummissjoni ppubblikat il-proġetti pilota u l-‘Azzjonijiet Preparatorji’ għall-baġit tal-UE tal-2017 fosthom id-dokument “Strengthening cooperation on climate action among islands within and beyond the EU through the creation of an island identity within the Global Covenant of Mayors.” Dan kien approvat bħala parti mill-baġit tal-2017 u se jkun implimentat f’perijodu ta’ sentejn.

Il-Kummissjoni se tkun qed taħdem viċin l-awtoritajiet lokali ta’ stati membri u gżejjer bl-għan li l-inizjattiva tingħata spinta u timxi ’l quddiem. Se jitwaqqaf forum dwar il-ħolqien tal-enerġija fil-gżejjer Ewropej biex jinqasam l-għarfien u anki l-esperjenzi tal-gżejjer infushom. Il-forum se tkun qed ilaqqa’ wkoll nies mis-settur teknoloġiku biex jinħolqu klijenti potenzjali.

Il-Kummissjoni mistennija tippubblika t-tieni rapport mal-abbozz tal-baġit 2018.

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