Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that it is unacceptable today, that when stability or growth are lacking or threatened, in order to reacquire competitivity and growth, under existing structures of European integration, the only way out is to restrain social conditions. The Maltese MEP made this statement during the debate on ‘The refoundation of a Europe based on values, anchored in effective democratic institutions and promoting a prosperous economy in a fair and cohesive society’ at the European Parliament. The debate took place in light of new political events and the surge of nationalistic anti-EU politics, very often under the far-right mantra which is challenging the basic secular pluralistic values of the EU.

Dr Sant said there has emerged a contradiction between the social rights that the EU proclaims, and the options available to it to achieve desired outcomes. Indeed, it has become questionable whether the three objectives that are fundamental to the European Union as of now, can be kept all three of them together: free market policies under conditions of increasing globalisation and oligopolisation; an ongoing commitment to further European integration; and a total commitment to safeguard and enhance existing social rights in Europe.

“Before this dilemma is satisfactorily addressed, a sentiment of angst about the real import of European values will prevail,” remarked the Maltese MEP.

Dr Sant said soul searching about European values has become a prevalent mood because since 2008, certain basic tenets about what the EU stood for, and on which its soft power rested, have been downgraded. Among these was the belief that Europe stood for a social market system that would promote the free market while guaranteeing social rights, in the context of economic stability or growth.


Alfred Sant qal lill-Parlament Ewropew li nħolqot kuntradizzjoni bejn id-drittijiet soċjali li l-UE tisħaq dwarhom, u l-għażla disponibbli biex tinkiseb il-kompetittivita` u t-tkabbir ekonomiku. Dr Sant qal li sar dubjuż jistgħux jibqgħu jeżistu flimkien it-tliet oġġettivi fundamentali tal-Unjoni Ewropea: politika tas-suq ħieles qalb iż-żieda tal-globalizzazzjoni u ż-żieda fl-oligarkiji; l-impenn favur aktar integrazzjoni Ewropea; l-impenn sħiħ biex jitħarsu d-drittijiet soċjali eżistenti fl-Ewropa.

“Sakemm din id-dilemma tiġi indirizzata b’mod sodisfaċenti, is-sentimenti tal-ansjeta` dwar il-valuri Ewropej se jibqgħu jiżdiedu,” qal Dr Sant meta tkellem dwar ir-rifondazzjoni tal-Ewropa ibbażata fuq il-valuri Ewropej.

Id-dibattitu sar wara ż-żieda f’sentimenti nazzjonalistiċi li jmorru kontra l-politika tal-UE taħt il-kappa tal-partiti tal-Lemin estrem li qed tisfida l-valuri pluralistiċi sekulari bażiċi tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

Dr Sant qal li t-tiftix intern tal-valuri Ewropej sar komuni għaliex mill-2008, il-valuri bażiċi dwar dak li kienet tissimbolizza l-Ewropa issa tilfu l-importanza tagħhom. Dawn il-valuri kienu jinkludu t-twemmin li l-Ewropa kienet tfisser sistema ta’ suq soċjali bbażata fuq suq ħieles waqt li tiggarantixxi d-drittijiet soċjali, fil-kuntest ta’ tkabbir ekonomiku u stabilita`.

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