Għadna m’aħniex qed nifhmu sew sakemm u safejn bl-iżviluppi teknoloġiċi fil-komunikazzjoni, inbidel il-mudell ta’ kif inwasslu l-messaġġi tagħna lil xulxin, personalment u fi grupp jew folla. Din il-bidla teknoloġika mhix taffettwa biss bil-kbir id-diskors ta’ bejnietna. L-użu tat-teknoloġiji l-ġodda x’aktarx li qed jaffettwawna wkoll minn ġewwa – billi jagħmluna bnedmin differenti.
L-użu u l-manipulazzjoni tal-midja soċjali rromblaw ’l quddiem b’ħeffa liema bħalha. Għadna bla kejl tajjeb dwar sa fejn qed iwasslu. Waqt li jilħqu miljuni, biljuni, iwasslu l-messaġġi tagħhom b’mod kapillari, b’diskors immirat mingħandi għal għandek, anki meta miktub minn skrivani mħallsa.
Qatt qabel fl-istorja tal-umanità ma kellna l-prospett li tista’ titkellem – u mhux biss tisma’ – b’mod intimu “wieħed fuq wieħed” fil-kumpanija ta’ miljun ruħ u aktar. Dit-teknoloġija ġdida tal-komunikazzjoni taf tkun effettiva ħafna meta min jużaha jirkeb fuq id-dwejjaq tan-nies, ir-rabja tagħhom u s-sens ta’ biża’.
Il-Ġudizzju tal-Kummissjoni
Ħareġ il-verdett tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea dwar l-andament tal-ekonomiji tal-pajjiżi membri tal-Unjoni u dwar kif qed imexxu l-finanzi publiċi tagħhom.
Frankament, m’inix impressjonat. Kemm fejn qalu dwar it-tajjeb, kemm dwar il-ħażin.
L-idea li burokratiċi fil-Kummissjoni ta’ Brussell għandhom ikunu mħallfin fuq deċiżjonijiet nazzjonali tidhirli fażulla. Sa issa baqgħet titħaddem għax ħafna mexxejja għadhom iħossuhom fid-dell tal-kriżi tas-sena 2008. Għadhom jibżgħu mill-għafsa fuq iċ-ċinturin li tista’ tagħmilihom il-Ġermanja, l-akbar sostenitura ta’ din is-sistema ta’ kontroll fiż-żona ewro li tagħti kull nifs lill-“esperti”.
Jekk jikbru r-rebħiet “populisti” fl-elezzjonijiet, jekk tiżloq xi ftit l-ekonomija Ġermaniża, kollox jitlaq lura għal konfront politiku fuq skala Ewropea, li allura jkun kbir sew.
Bankini u toroq
Kemm ingergru fuq l-istat ħażin tat-toroq sekondarji f’pajjiżna, u għandna raġun.
Niżbaljaw naħsbu li ninsabu waħidna fil-faqar tal-infrastruttura tat-trasport. Mhux imqabbla ma’ xi pajjiż li “qed jiżviluppa”, imma ma’ pajjiżi fil-qalba tal-Ewropa. Pereżempju l-Belġju, Brussell.
Kmieni filgħodu nhar l-Erbgħa kont tiela’ minn Rue de la Loi fiċ-ċentru tal-kwartier “Ewropew” ta’ Brussel. Ix-xita ma riditx taqta’.
Il-bankina wiesgħa kienet saret għadira ta’ ilma. Jien u oħrajn kellna nimxu man-naħa ta’ barra tal-bankina biex ma ngħoddsux fl-ilma. Ma ndunajniex li taħt il-bankina, min-naħa ta’ barra, it-triq kienet saret għadira oħra.
Ma ndunax ukoll sewwieq imgħaġġel li ra kif seta’ jasal malajr fejn ried jasal billi aċċellera ’l quddiem. Tella’ tsunami ta’ ilma minn taħt il-bankina. “Ħasel” għasra lilna li konna għaddejja minn ma’ tarfha.
Din id-darba kelli ngħid (fost kliem oħra li ma nirrepetix hawn): Mhux f’Malta biss.
Ma tantx sibt konfort f’hekk.

English Version – Communications

We still need to understand well, how and to what extent technological developments in communciations media have altered the models by which we send messages to each other on a personal basis, or via groups and crowds. Technological changes haven’t simply affected – and in a big way – the structures of discourse between us. Use of the new technologies is also quite likely affecting our internal mental structures – making us become different people.

The use and manipulation of social media have accelerated at a gigantic pace. We lack a good reading as to where their point of destination will be. While reaching millions, indeed billions of human beings, social media deliver their message in capillary mode, in a me-to-you format, even when it is written by hired clerks.

Never before in the history of humanity has there been this prospect of communicating – and not just listening – on a one-to-one basis in the company of millions of people. The new communications technology can be extremely effective when its users surf on the dissatisfaction of people, on their anger and fears.


The Commission’s verdict

The European Commission’s verdict about the performance of the economies of EU member states and their management of public finances has been published.

Frankly, I’m underwhelmed – both about where they pointed out what’s right, as well as where they indicated what’s going wrong.

The concept that Commission bureaucrats in Brussels should stand as judges over national decisions seems to me to be flawed. Up to now, the idea continues to be put into practice because many European leaders still feel themselves constrained by the 2008 crisis and its aftermath. They are wary of the belt tightening that could be imposed on them by Germany, as main backer of this control system in the eurozone which gives pride of place to “experts”.

If “populist” victories spread in forthcoming elections, and if the German economy declines a little bit, everything might slide towards a Europe-wide confrontation, that this time will be quite tough.


Pavements and main roads

In this country, we complain hugely and with reason about the state of our roads.

To believe though that we stand alone by way of weaknesses in our transport infrastructure is quite misguided. Not just by contrast with some “developing” country, but even in comparison with those at the centre of Europe. Like for instance Belgium – Brussels.

Early in the morning last Wednesday, I was going up the Rue de La Loi at the heart of Brussels’ “European” quarter. It had been raining incessantly.

The wide pavement had become a lake. Passersby, among whom yours truly, had to walk in file at the pavement’s edge not to have to wade through water. We failed to notice that on the outside of the pavement, the street had turned into another huge puddle.

Neither did a driver hardpressed to reach his destination in time. He accellerated forward, blasting a tsunami of rainwater from under the pavement. All of us walking at the pavement’s edge were suddenly wet to the skin.

This time, among a host of mostly unprintable epithets, I had to conclude: Not only in Malta.

Which provided limited consolation.

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