Explanation of Votes

Explanation of vote – Insularity Conditions

The removed paragaph stating that “certain handicaps are more difficult to cope with for islands than for island states” was spurious and less than valid with reference to island archipelagos with a population of less than say 2 million, as I vouch from personal experience. Let me note too the significant problems that arise for

Explanation of Votes

Explanation of vote on the report “Sustainable urban mobility”

Over 80 percent of Europe’s populations live in urban centers. They are plagued by traffic congestion, long commuting times, environmental pollution and inefficient public transport. Worthy efforts continue to overcome the growing problems. Many fail. Given the present context, where privatization, public-private partnerships and market-based solutions are considered essential elements in a “holistic” solution, problems

Explanation of Votes

The Ferreira-Theurer final report of the Special Committee on tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect

The Report makes recommendations regarding an improvement in transparency related to the taxation measures applying in EU member states. I agree with these recommendations and fully support measures uniquely designed to promote full transparency in national tax treatments. However the report also proposes measures that implicitly or explicitly promote moves that on an EU wide

Explanation of Votes

Preparation of the Commission Work Programme 2016

The Commission Work Programme 2016 rightly defines as an important objective the elimination of rampant tax evasion and avoidance, as well as aggressive tax planning by multinational corporations. Measures that, in a transparent and consistent manner, seek to attain this goal in the context of a level playing field are desirable. A very serious problem

Explanation of Votes

Migration and refugees in Europe

The resolution followed the Commission’s new package of proposals presented and debated yesterday on the EP aimed at helping address the current refugee crisis. The new migration management proposals include relocating 120,000 asylum seekers within the EU – on top of the May proposal to relocate 40,000 – a permanent distribution mechanism for the future,