As the leaders of the eurozone and Greece line up for a final showdown on Monday, there could not have been a more appropriate time for the publication of Alfred Sant’s new book “MALTA AND THE EURO – MALTA U L-EWRO (2)”. It charts and analyses developments in the eurozone crisis between 2012 and 2015 and follows on another book with the same title, published in 2012, which presented the events that had taken place up to 2011. Inevitably, the Greek saga is at centre stage for most of the time. Almost right from the start, Sant had predicted there would be big problems with the Greek bailout plan, by which that country received loan support from the euro zone to tide over its financial crisis.

The 530 page book, which was officially launched today at the Melita Gardens, explains the how and why of the Greek crisis. It does so from a Maltese perspective. As a euro zone member, Malta has directly and indirectly lent Greece per capita of population more than any other euro country.

However, “MALTA AND THE EURO (2)” which has also been published as an e book does not limit the story to the Greek crisis. Other major aspects of euro affairs are covered in depth. The book describes and analyses the steps taken by the euro zone to build new institutions meant to strengthen its operations, such as a common bailout fund and a banking union by which all European banks are now monitored by the European Central Bank.

Another major topic is the ongoing moves to improve the governance of the euro zone, which are of special interest to Malta and other smaller states. Under new governance rules such states could lose further their already restricted say in the eurozone’s affairs.

“MALTA AND THE EURO (2)” deals with complex but important issues in simple terms accessible to most people but without simplifying. It will be of great interest to those wishing to understand how the Greek crisis and other euro zone issues have come to the boiling point. Additionally, students of international and economic affairs should find the detailed euro timelines at the beginning of the book an extremely useful tool.



Waqt li l-mexxejja taż-żona ewro qegħdin iħejju għal ‘showdown’ mal-Greċja, ġie ippubblikat il-ktieb il-ġdid ta’ Alfred Sant ‘MALTA U L-EWRO – 2- MALTA & THE EURO’. Dan il-ktieb jagħti d-dettalji u janalizza l-kriżi taż-żona Ewro bejn 2012-2015 u jsegwi ktieb ieħor li kien ippreżenta l-fatti sa 2011. Is-saga tal-Greċja tiddomina dan il-ktieb. Mill-bidu, Alfred Sant kien bassar li se jkun hemm problemi kbar bil-‘bailout’ tal-Greċja, li permezz tiegħu kienet ingħatat għajnuna finanzjarja biex tagħmel tajjeb għall-kriżi finanzjarja tagħha.

Il-ktieb ta’ 530 paġna, li ġie imniedi llum fil-Melita Gardens, jispjega r-raġunijiet li wasslu għalll-kriżi Griega minn perspettiva Maltija. Bħala membru taż-żona Ewro, Malta b’mod dirett u b’mod indirett silfet lill-Greċja ‘per capita’ tal-popolazzjoni aktar minn kull pajjiż ieħor taż-żona ewro.

“MALTA U EURO (2)”, li ġie ippubblikat ukoll bħala ebook, mhux limitat biss dwar l-istorja tal-kriżi Griega. Il-ktieb jiddeskrivi u janalizza l-passi li ttieħdu miż-żona ewro biex jinbnew istituzzjonijiet ġodda biex isaħħu l-operazzjonijiet tagħha, fosthom fond komuni tal-‘bailout’ li bih il-banek Ewropej kollha huma mgħassa mill-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew.

Tema oħra hija l-governanza taż-żona ewro, li hija ta’ interess speċjali għal Malta u għal gżejjer żgħar oħra. Bir-regoli ġodda ta’ governanza, dawn l-istati jistgħu jkomplu jitilfu aktar il-vuċi ristretta tagħhom fit-tmexxija taż-żona ewro.

“MALTA U L-EWRO (2)” isegwi b’mod li jinftiehem kwistjonijiet kumplessi. Huwa ta’ interess kbar għal dawk li jridu jifhmu x’wassal għall-kriżi Griega u kwistjonijit oħra taż-żona ewro. Studenti tal-ekonomija u studji internazzjonali għandhom isibu ‘euro timlines’ dettaljati fil-bidu tal-ktieb ta’ siwi kbir għall-istudji tagħhom.

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