Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said that if he gained the people’s confidence in the European elections he will continue to be Gozo’s voice in Europe, and ensure that funds and other aid from the 2020-2027 European budget be used to assist in new Gozitan projects in tourism, manufacturing, and agriculture. Alfred Sant said that Gozo has to wisely build on past successes so more and more Gozitans feel that, from Gozo, they successfully develop their working life, careers and projects.

“The talents and initiatives we have in Gozo are impressive. These talents appear in the fields of finance, manufacturing, tourism, construction, art, and culture,” Alfred Sant said when addressing a political conference at the Nadur Labour Center with the theme “CONFIDENCE IN GOZO – FOR A SOCIAL EUROPE”.

Alfred Sant said that in recent weeks he saw to visiting these Gozitan successes.

“Gozo suffers from major drawbacks due to its double insularity. But perhaps we talk too much about how these drawbacks are hindering Gozo projects. And we do not talk enough about how the island also has success stories.”

Alfred Sant said that, in the past five years, he continued to regularly visit Gozo to understand the challenges and aspirations of different sectors of Gozitan society.

“During the past days I met Gozitan tourism operators,” Alfred Sant maintained. “I emphasised that diving around the island is an invaluable resource that we need to care for as much as Gozo’s archaeological and architectural heritage. I spoke with villagers, with farmers, with owners of furniture factories and tomato factories, with producers of local crafts. I met representatives of the Gozitan University Students, and could admire from up close the academic ability of Gozitan youth who deserve every support and backing.”

Alfred Sant said that we must continue to learn from the successes of Gozitans, and convey a message of optimism while seeing how best we can serve the momentum of new projects. In this, funds and other aid from Europe can be very useful if they were chosen and used with caution.


L-ex Prim Ministru Laburista Alfred Sant qal li jekk jikseb il-fiduċja tal-poplu fl-elezzjonijiet Ewropej jibqa’ il-vuċi ta’ Għawdex fl-Ewropa u jinsisti li fondi u għajnuniet oħra mill-Budget Ewropew tas-sena 2020-2027 jintużaw biex jgħinu proġetti ġodda f’Għawdex fl-oqsma tat-turiżmu, tal-manifattura, tal-biedja. Alfred Sant qal dan meta kien qed jitkellem f’Konferenza Politika bit-tema FIDUĊJA F’GĦAWDEX – GĦAL EWROPA SOĊJALI fiċ-Ċentru Laburista tan-Nadur.

Alfred Sant qal li Għawdex irid jibni b’mod għaqli fuq is-suċċessi miksuba ħalli aktar u aktar Għawdxin iħossu li jistgħu minn Għawdex, jiżviluppaw b’suċċess il-ħajja tax-xogħol, il-karrieri u l-proġetti tagħhom. It-talenti u l-inizjattiva li għandna f’Għawdex huma impressjonanti. Dawn it-talenti jidhru fl-oqsma tal-finanzi, tal-manifattura, tat-turiżmu, tal-bini, tal-arti u l-kultura.

Alfred Sant qal li fl-aħħar ġimgħat, ra kif jagħmel biex iżur dawn is-suċċessi Għawdxin.

“Għawdex ibati minn żvantaġġi kbar minħabba l-insularità doppja tiegħu. Imma forsi nitkellmu wisq dwar kif dawn l-iżvantaġġi jxekklu proġetti Għawdxin. U ma nitkellmux biżżejjed dwar kif il-gżira Għawdxija għandha wkoll stejjer ta’ suċċess.”

Alfred Sant qal li fil-ħames snin li għaddew baqa’ jitla’ b’mod regolari f’Għawdex biex jifhem l-isfidi u l-aspirazzjonijiet ta’ setturi differenti tas-soċjeta` Għawdxija.

“Fl-aħħar ġranet iltqajt ma’ operaturi turistiċi f’Għawdex. Enfasizzajt li d-diving f’Għawdex huwa risors imprezzabbli li rridu nieħdu ħsiebu daqs il-wirt arkeoloġiku u arkitettoniku ta’ Għawdex. Tkellimt mar-raħħala, il-bdiewa, ma’ sidien tal-fabbriki tal-għamara u tat-tadam, ma’ produtturi ta’ artiġjanat Għawdxi. Iltqajt mar-rappreżentanti tal-istudenti Universitarji Għawdxin u stajt nammira l-ħila akkademika taż-żgħażagħ Għawdxin li jixirqilhom kull appoġġ u sostenn.”

Alfred Sant qal li rridu nkomplu nitgħallmu mis-suċċessi tal-Għawdxin u nwasslu l-messaġġ ta’ ottimiżmu waqt li naraw kif l-aħjar nistgħu ngħinu aktar fir-rankatura ta’ proġetti ġodda. F’dan, fondi u għajnuniet oħra mill-Ewropa jistgħu jkunu ta’ siwi kbir jekk jintgħażlu u jintużaw bl-akbar reqqa.

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