Brexit negotiations between the EU and the UK were fully flawed. The UK should have been asked first to clear as a matter of principle and policy what future relationship it sought. The EU should have indicated what relationship it found acceptable. Agreement would have been sought on this. Negotiations between the EU and the UK would then have been about proceeding from a status of full membership to that of the proposed new relationship. Instead another episode is being played in a soap opera that frankly has become rather dreary, Maltese MEP Alfred Sant told the European Parliament today dring a debate on ‘The UK’s withdrawal from the EU’ following yesterday’s results at the ‘House of Commons’.
Dr Sant said the impasse that faces both the EU and the UK results from the deeply flawed method by which the Brexit negotiations have been conducted. These have been designed in two sequences: first to establish the conditions for an orderly withdrawal; then those of a future relationship. Aggravated by huge political fractures on the British side, and the steely determination to maintain unity on the EU side, this approach has been driving both sides towards a brick wall.
“A divorce process can only be well managed if not just the terms for a separation but also those of any alternative future relationship are mapped out. The two sets of terms are interdependent, as is shown by the ongoing controversies within the British political system regarding whether Brexit should be hard or soft.” remarked the Maltese MEP.


Il-metodu tan-negozjati bejn l-UE u r-Renju Unit dwar il-Brexit kien difettuż. L-UE messha l-ewwel staqsiet lir-Renju Uniti x’tip ta’ relazzjonijiet riedet mal-UE bħala kwistjoni ta’ prinċipju u ta’ politika. Kien ikun aħjar li l-UE indikat x’tip ta’ relazzjoni kienet tkun aċċettabbli għaliha u kien jinstab ftehim fuq din il-bażi. B’hekk n-negozjati bejn l-UE u r-Renju Unit kienu jipproċedu mbagħad minn qagħda ta’ sħubija sħiħa għal dik tar-relazzjoni l-ġdida proposta. Dan qalu llum Alfred Sant fil-Parlament Ewropew waqt dibattitu dwar ‘L-Irtirar tar-Renju Unit mill-Unjoni Ewropea’ wara l-vot tal-bieraħ filgħaxija fil-‘House of Commons’.

“Minflok qed naraw episodju ieħor ta’ soap opera li frankament qed issir ripetittiva.”

Dr Sant qal li n-nuqqas ta’ progress bejn l-UE u r-Renju Unit inħoloq minħabba l-metodu difettuż li bih saru n-negozjati tal-Brexit. Dawn seħħew f’żewġ sekwenzi – l-ewwel li jkunu stabbiliti l-kundizzjonijiet ta’ irtirar b’mod ordnat; imbagħad dak tar-relazzjonijiet futuri. Aggravat min-nuqqas ta’ qbil politiku min-naħa Brittanika, u d-determinazzjoni tal-azzar biex tinżamm l-għaqda min-naħa tal-UE, dan wassal liż-żewġ naħat għal ġol-ħajt.

“Proċess ta’ divorzju jkun immexxi tajjeb mhux biss billi jkunu ċari t-termini tas-separazzjoni, iżda billi r-relazzjonijiet futuri alternattivi jkunu ċari wkoll. Dawn iż-żewġ oqsma jaffettwaw lil xulxin, kif joħroġ ċar mill-kontroversji li ma waqfu xejn fi ħdan is-sistema politika Brittanika rigward hux aħjar ‘Hard Brexit ’ jew ‘Soft Brexit’.” qal l-MEP Malti.

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