Labour representatives at the European Parliament will continue to shield the interests of young people, workers and the elderly in Europe, former Prime Minister and Maltese MEP Alfred Sant said during a social activity in Senglea organised by Joeline Attard, a Labour candidate contesting the Local elections. Dr Sant said decisions taken at the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg leave their effects on Malta, adding, it is important for the Maltese electorate to elect representatives in Europe who strive in the interests of Maltese and Gozitan families, especially those who need social protection.

Alfred Sant said that previously, social achievements had spread and became a beacon of social justice in Europe. Things changed for the worse during the last years with the emergence of social and political forces focused on reducing social protection.

“During the last five years Labour MEPs spared no efforts to improve social conditions across Europe. During the next mandate, the Labour Party, as it did in Malta and Gozo, will increase its efforts to bring social progress to Europe, ensuring the necessary support and encouragement to those Europeans at the bottom of society. Labour will strengthen its commitment to safeguard and increase social protection in Europe, whilst exposing those political forces still yearning to lessen social security across Europe.”

“It’s imperative that Labour consolidates the support of a large majority in Malta and Gozo by ensuring that all citizens vote for all Labour candidates at the European elections.” remarked the former Prime Minister.


Il-Partit Laburista se jibqa’ jiddefendi liż-żgħir fil-Parlament Ewropew, qal l-ex Prim Ministru u MEP Alfred Sant, waqt li saħaq li d-deċiżjonijiet meħuda fl-Unjoni Ewropea jaffettwawna bil-kbir f’Malta u f’Għawdex.

“Allura hu importanti li min jirrappreżentana fl-Ewropa jkun tassew qed jiġġieled għall-interess tal-familji Maltin u Għawdxin… speċjalment dawk taż-żgħar, taż-żgħażagħ u tal-anzjani.” qal Sant fiċ-Ċentru Laburista tal-Isla waqt attivita` soċjali organizzata minn Joeline Attard, kandidata għall-elezzjoni tal-Kunsill Lokali tal-lokal.

Dr Sant qal li huwa minnu li l-kisbiet favur il-ħaddiema fl-Ewropa kienu nfirxu u saru ideal ta’ ġustizzja soċjali li qed jitwettaq. Imbagħad l-affarijiet inbidlu. Iżda fl-aħħar snin, mill-Ewropa qamu forzi li riedu jnaqqsu l-benefiċċji soċjali. Riedu jreġġgħuhom lura.

“Aħna tal-Partit Laburista, kif għamilna f’Malta u Għawdex, irridu nibqgħu nagħfsu fl-Ewropa wkoll biex il-ħeġġa favur min hu minn taħt u jeħtieġlu u jixraqlu għajnuna tingħata l-aqwa importanza. Sħabi u jien hekk għamilna fl-aħħar ħames snin fil-Parlament Ewropew.”

Alfred Sant qal li għall-ħames snin li ġejjin irridu nsostnu dan l-impenn biex l-Ewropa tkun forza li ssaħħaħ l-impenn soċjali, mhux tnaqqsu.

“Għalhekk ukoll tal-Labour jeħtieġ li jirbħu l-aqwa appoġġ, ma jitilfux vot wieħed, ħalli nsostnu l-impenn favur Ewropa soċjali. Niżguraw li kulħadd joħroġ jivvota u jagħmel hekk għall-kandidati Laburisti kollha.” saħaq Alfred Sant.

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