
Current outsourcing of Commission services

6 October 2014 E-007575-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Current outsourcing of Commission services 1. Could the Commission provide a list of Commission services which are currently being outsourced to private entities? 2. Since when has each of these services been outsourced? 3. How were the relevant

Plenary and Committee Speeches

New Commission Hearings – Lord hill

Diverġenzi kbar żviluppaw bejn Stati Membri u reġjuni fi ħdan is-suq uniku Ewropew u ż-żona euro. Dawn wasslu għal mudelli ta’ vantaġġ kompetittiv differenti minn xulxin, li wħud minnhom jiddependu fuq il-kummerċ fis-servizzi. Numru ta’ territorji, anke minħabba d-daqs tagħhom, u għal uħud minnhom minħabba s-sitwazzjonijiet periferali tagħhom, żviluppaw kompetenza fil-forniment ta’ servizzi finanzjarji. Fost


General questions on the outsourcing of Commission services

29 September 2014 E-007243-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Question: With regard to the outsourcing of Commission services to the private sector: 1. What is the rationale behind such outsourcing? 2. How is it proposed and authorised? 3. Have any studies, in-house or external, been carried out for


Single Euro Payments Area

24 September 2014 E-007117-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Question: Could the Commission please provide annual data regarding the funds — from all relevant sources — in the EU budget for the years 2011 to 2013 that were directly related to the Europe 2020 target of reducing the


Tuna discards by traditional small

27 August 2014 E-006390-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Question: With reference to tuna fishing in the central Mediterranean and the contiguous areas, could the Commission specify the exact policy that is being, or should be, followed with regard to tuna discards resulting from the operations of traditional