I have voted in favour of this text. The tendency today is for Internet giants to capture the work of creators and use it in the framework of advertising activities. If nothing is done, there will be growing disincentives for creators to work. The proposed directive on copyright in the digital single market seems to offer a solution, as it is strengthening guarantees to authors with regards to article 11 and article 12. It guarantees economic transparency and despite the controversies around article 13, the directive will not change the way content is shared on the internet. The legal foundations of copyright use remain the same. It will provide content-creators a safety net in case of abuses. Moreover, the directive provides exceptions to the use of works in non-commercial use such as heritage and educational institutions. Finally, Maltese artists, authors, European creatives and our independent press need to be protected and fairly remunerated for the use of their work. The temptation of the consumerist approach is putting at risk the quality of the content available online. Caring about European writers and artists is both a guarantee and an incentive for quality-content, which will ultimately benefit the users.

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