
Trade relations with Ukraine

17 November 2014 E-009373-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Trade relations with Ukraine Question(s) 1. In view of the recent developments


Trade carried out by EU SMEs with the US

17 November 2014 E-009372-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Trade carried out by EU SMEs with the US Question(s) 1. Could the Commission


EU support for investments by microenterprises

17 November 2014 E-009371-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: EU support for investments by microenterprises Question(s) Could the Commission


Cross-national trade by SMEs

17 November 2014 P-009365-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Cross-national trade by SMEs Question(s) 1. Could the Commission provide the



Il-Kummissjoni Juncker donnha twieldet taħt kewkba ħażina. Lanqas laħqu għaddew ġimagħtejn mit-twaqqif tagħha li ma sabitx ruħha taħt attakk; jew aħjar il-President tagħha. Tant li kellu jsejjaħ