Press Releases

The european defence action plan is totally ill-advised

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that the European Commission’s proposal to work on a European Defence Action plan and a European Defence Fund is totally

Press Releases

Alfred Sant fil-festival tal-ktieb

Alfred Sant se jkun fl-Istand ta’ SKS Publishers nhar il-Ħadd 13 ta’ Novembru bejn 11am u nofsinhar waqt il-Festival tal-Ktieb biex jiffirma kopji ta’ WESTERN, antoloġija

Press Releases

Gozo needs a regional authority in the interest of the island

The setting up of a Regional Authority in Gozo synchronised with the policies of the government of the day which operates in the interests of the Gozitan island would benefit Gozo socially and



Il-“flessibilità” fil-mod kif jitħaddmu r-regoli ta’ tmexxija taż-Żona Ewro qed issir kwistjoni kritika. Żviluppata l-aktar meta xi sentejn ilu, deher ċar li Franza mhux se tkun tista’ tlaħħaq


Citizens’ participation in EU Trade policy

Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Citizens’ participation in EU Trade policy Whereas EU trade agreements with other countries are