Question for written answer
to the Commission
Rule 130
Alfred Sant (S&D)

Subject: Citizens’ participation in EU Trade policy

Whereas EU trade agreements with other countries are overall beneficial for the EU Member States and citizens, because they can be a driver for economic growth and can enable lower prices for consumers, increased exports and a greater choice of goods.

Whereas the EU institutions involved in the negotiation and conclusion of trade agreements should act in accordance with EU’s values, fundamental interests, security, independence and integrity and should ensure that trade agreements do not disproportionally favour big companies.

Considering that recent developments of CETA (EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) have shown that the success of a trade deal depends on the EU’s ability to secure the acceptance of Member States, regional authorities and public opinion.

Does the Commission believe that more effective actions are needed in order to improve the democratic accountability and transparency in particular at the beginning of the negotiating process and to increase EU citizens’ awareness?

How does the Commission intend to reinforce European citizens’ confidence in EU trade policy and participation?

Does the Commission believe that the European negotiating procedure, including the requirements to ratify trade agreements, foreseen by the EU rules is still effective or a new system of trade deal should be developed that improves the level of cooperation between the European, national and regional institutions and authorities?

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