Gozitan artists deserve encouragement to exhibit their works of art across Europe. All options should be considered to provide opportunities to artists living on this island at the periphery of Europe, said MEP Alfred Sant Alfred Sant when he visited the Art Gallery ART CUBE in Mġarr Road, Xewkija Gozo featuring featuring artistic works of Gozitan artist Christopher Saliba.
Christoper Saliba was one of four Gozitan artists who last March were invited by the Maltese MEP to exhibit works of art on Gozitan realities and aspirations at the European Parliament. He has built a reputation as one of the most authentic talents emerging from Malta’s sister island.
The Maltese MEP said that the exhibition ‘Embracing Change in Gozo’ was one of his best experiences at the European Parliament.
Christopher Saliba said that the fact that Gozitan artists are from a small island on the periphery of the European continent strengthens the resolve to be creative.
“My artistic rendition is conceived as a tribute to the natural beauty of our island in conjunction with the careful man-made interventions devised throughout the years which gave a distinctive character to Gozo. It is a cultural heritage we Gozitans cherish in an age in which we are embracing changes at social and infrastructural levels. My artistic works are a testimony of what we were and we still are; they express the need of salvaging our identity and heritage and the need of finding the right balance with the expectations and demands of contemporaneity.” Christopher Saliba told the Maltese MEP.
Dr Sant congratulated the Gozitan artist for his creativity and entreprenseurship to showcase his works of art in Gozo. This gives Maltese and foreign visitors in Gozo the opportunity to view and obtain works of art of a high calibre, remarked the Maltese MEP.


L-artisti Għawdxin jistħoqqilhom inkoraġġament biex jesebixxu x-xogħlijiet artistiċi tagħhom fl-Ewropa. It-toroq kollha li joħolqu opportunitajiet għal artisti li jgħixu fuq gżira fil-periferija tal-Ewropa għandhom jiġu kkonsidrati, qal Alfred Sant waqt żjara fil-Gallerija tal-Arti ART CUBE, Triq l-Imġarr ix-Xewkija Għawdex, b’xogħlijiet artistiċi tal-artist Għawdxi Christopher Saliba.
L-artist bena reputazzjoni bħala wieħed mit-talenti awtentiċi li toffri l-gżira Għawdxija. Christopher Saliba kien wieħed minn erba’ artisti Għawdxin li f’Marzu li għadda ġew mistiedna mill-Ewroparlamentari Malti biex jesebixxu xogħlijiet artistiċi dwar ir-realtajiet u l-aspirazzjonijiet Għawdxin fil-Parlament Ewropew.
Alfred Sant qal li l-esebizzjoni ‘Għawdex Iħaddan il-Bidla’ kienet waħda mill-isbaħ esperjenzi tiegħu fil-Parlament Ewropew.
Chris Saliba qal li l-fatt li artisti Għawdxin ġejjin minn gżira żgħira u fil-periferija tal-kontinent Ewropew, jixprunahom biex ikunu aktar kreattivi.
“Il-prodott artistiku tiegħi huwa ħlejqa li tagħti ġieħ lill-ġmiel naturali tal-gżira tagħna mżewqa mill-interventi kawti tal-bniedem u mfassla matul is-snin biex taw karatteristiċi uniċi lill-gżira. Dan il-wirt kulturali huwa għal qalbna fi żmien fejn inħaddnu l-bidliet f’livell soċjali u infrastrutturali. Ix-xogħlijiet artistiċi tiegħi huma xhieda ta’ dak li konna u għadna; jesprimu l-ħtieġa li nibżgħu għal identita` u l-wirt tagħna fit-tiftixa għal bilanċ bejn l-aspettattivi u t-talbiet tal-kontemporanjeta`.” qal Christopher Saliba lil MEP Malti.
Dr Sant feraħ lil artist Għawdxi għall-kreattivita` u l-intraprenditorija tiegħu biex jesebixxi xogħlijietu f’Għawdex. Dan jagħti lil viżitaturi Maltin u barranin f’Għawdex l-opportunita` li jaraw u jiksbu xogħlijiet ta’ arti ta’ kalibru għoli, irrimarka l-MEP Malti.

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